If you don't mind shelling out $25 a month you can get a website hosting from somewhere like hostway.com. Once you have the site you'll need a FTP program to load it on the site. Then find the URL and post the link on this site. With any luck the people who look at it will have the right codec on their computer. If they don't you might want to let them no what you encoded it with.
If you put an interesting video on a high traffic site be careful that you don't exceed your bandwidth.
One of my data centers has direct fiber to the Internet backbone with (virtually) unlimited bandwidth, I use it for all the viper videos I post. If you e-mail me the video, I'll give you a link to it. (I can also have converted it to M-Peg, QuickTime, AVI, etc.)
You can post videos on Sony's Imagestation website for free. I think they have to be in Windows Media format. Once you post them, you can put up a link here. The website is http://www.imagestation.com
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