Thanks All done, Procedure was as follows. My mechanic forward it to me.. Basicly just turn left to right.
D. Fill and Bleed Power Steering System (Continued)
16. Slowly rotate the steering wheel in both directions several times from
17. Turn off the engine then check and adjust the fluid level.
18. If the fluid is extremely foamy, allow the vehicle to stand for a few
minutes and then repeat Steps 9-17.
19. Start the engine.
20. Using the DRB III, activate the fan at 100% (full fan) operation.
21. Raise the engine speed to 3000 RPM for a few seconds to fully engage the
hydraulic fan. Return the engine to idle and deactivate the fan using the
22. Slowly rotate the steering wheel in both directions several times from
lock-to-lock. Verify that there is:
smooth power assist,
noiseless operation,
proper fluid level and condition,
no fluid leaks.
23. If all of the conditions in Step 22 are met the procedure is complete. If the
fluid is extremely foamy, allow the vehicle to stand for a few minutes and
then repeat Steps 9-22.
24. If the steering gear was replaced, continue with Section E –Wheel
If the steering gear was not replaced, no further action is necessary.
Return the vehicle to the customer.