I have been looking at the viper for a long time now and the itch was getting stronger. Then i started to get cold feet and started making excuses, maintaining the car was going to be expensive and could not use it for 6 months out of the year.(Not a big deal weekend driver) So I looked into the camaro. Rented it this weekend and man was i disappointed.No wow factor and no smile on my face.Drove it 3-4 hours a day and nothing. Bought the camaro to my fathers house,he looked at it and i said what do you think camaro or the viper,he walked away from me and said no comment. All my neighbors were in front of my house looking at the camaro and when i mentioned camaro or viper one of them punched me in my chest and said how dare i compare the two, way different leauges. I have the viper in my screen saver on phone so when i showed them the pic and had the camaro physically in front of us they said i would be a knucklehead to not pick the viper and have fun with it. Plus i went on the camaro5 forums and did not like it compared to this place. When i drove the car also all i could think about was i wish it was a viper. Well after i sell my bike and weekend car i am gonna definitely buy the viper.I am so glad i rented this car and not have bought it i would have been miserable. I will **** it up and not worry about the expenses cause i know i will be a lot happier with the viper in my garage.