If styling doesn\'t matter how do you explain this...
Cars produced per year
----Viper ZR-1
'90 zero 3,049
'91 zero 2,044
'92 285 502
'93 1,043 448
'94 3,083 448
'95 1,577 448
'96 1,887 zero
Both cars were priced about the same, had similar performance, 1/4 mile, top end, etc. Yet look what happened to the ZR-1 as soon as the Viper come out. It went from 3,000 per year to 500 hmmm wonder why, could it have been because of the way the Viper looked? Then guess what? The ZR-1 stopped production.
Now that that lesson is learned look at this
----Viper GT-40
'03 1,500 100
'04 2,500 500
'05 750 2,000
'06 550 2,500
'07 zero 3,000
As the old saying goes, learn from the past. Two similarly priced cars, both close to the same performance, one looks like a normal everyday car and one looks very radical. Is this the fate of the new Gen III Vipers? Is there room at that price point for two American supercars? Does the styling make one bit of difference? Learn from the past and explain why the "normal" looking ZR-1 sales took a dump when the Viper came out, then try to explain away why the "normal" looking SRT sales will not take a dump when the GT-40 comes out? Is Ford going to do to DC, what Dodge did to GM during the early 90's? Me thinks so
Cars produced per year
----Viper ZR-1
'90 zero 3,049
'91 zero 2,044
'92 285 502
'93 1,043 448
'94 3,083 448
'95 1,577 448
'96 1,887 zero
Both cars were priced about the same, had similar performance, 1/4 mile, top end, etc. Yet look what happened to the ZR-1 as soon as the Viper come out. It went from 3,000 per year to 500 hmmm wonder why, could it have been because of the way the Viper looked? Then guess what? The ZR-1 stopped production.
Now that that lesson is learned look at this
----Viper GT-40
'03 1,500 100
'04 2,500 500
'05 750 2,000
'06 550 2,500
'07 zero 3,000
As the old saying goes, learn from the past. Two similarly priced cars, both close to the same performance, one looks like a normal everyday car and one looks very radical. Is this the fate of the new Gen III Vipers? Is there room at that price point for two American supercars? Does the styling make one bit of difference? Learn from the past and explain why the "normal" looking ZR-1 sales took a dump when the Viper came out, then try to explain away why the "normal" looking SRT sales will not take a dump when the GT-40 comes out? Is Ford going to do to DC, what Dodge did to GM during the early 90's? Me thinks so