Yikes! Let's keep this civil, shall we? There's a difference between an opiniated disagreement and a bar room brawl. A quick-witted jab is not the same as a foul-mouthed insult.
Vipah, I share your frustration, but talking like ghetto trash does not add any points to your side of the argument. The VCA "leadership," if you can call it that, needs to police themselves a whole lot better. If you have inside info, please respect your NDAs or your inside source by not playing the "I know more than you, neener neener," game. It is an utter abuse of the power the VCA members GAVE you. You are hurting the Viper by simply blabbing your mouth about any of this. Group unity is a sign of good leadership. I see none of that here. Just look at all the divisions on this forum... it is a sign of poor leadership at ALL levels of the VCA. The other region presidents should have better sense to tell the blabbing leaders to shut up.
Isn't there a list of responsibilities and conduct expected of an elected official in the club? If there isn't there SHOULD BE. Make sure one of the conducts expected is that an officer is NOT allowed to make comments on future products as someone that is "in the know," especially in a public venue (like this forum). Try: "No Comment," or "As a VCA officer, I do not comment on future DC products or announcements." I'd guarantee you'd get a lot more respect that "I know something you dont". *wink, wink*
Character is not defined when things are cush and you're at the top of the hill (like the Viper has been for 13 years), but when all appears lost and dark. Show us the light at the end of the tunnel, not dangle the flashlight above us while you snicker.
Warfang - Nice post and a very valid concern. Let me assure you that I am in the dark as much as anybody here. You can ask ANY VCA president how much they know about upcoming product and the answer is ZERO. Hell, try the National VCA Board members (and I am one) and ask them how much they know about upcoming product. The answer?
My bet is based 100% on what I read and hear on these forums, other forums, and general gossip. Throw in a gut feel that is very rarely wrong, and I am confident to put up that $100. Read the posts about SEMA (which correctly predicted VOI for 2004), about the Ilmor engine, about the Firepower, about the Prowler assembly line, statements from DC personnel in VIPER magazine, etc. Then apply a little analytical skills to those writings and what you know about Chrysler - especially in the face of a very well thought-out Z06. You don't need to have any inside knowledge if you just use your noggin, unlike our name-calling friends.
I am in total agreement with you that any elected VCA official - at any level - that abuses inside knowledge, betrays a confidence, or "dangles a carrot" to taunt others should be dismissed from their position. Rest assured that I would be the very first to step down if I thought I was betraying any confidences. However, since I have the same incredible number of "inside contacts" as you do (which I assume is none), then I am not in the slightest bit of danger.
Finally, I would ask that you respect my right to have an opinion. The VCA demands a lot from it's regional presidents and they get nothing in return. There is no pay, no benefits, no nothing besides a chance to get a cool plaque on stage at VOI. Many of us put an extraordinary amount of time into not only the VCA, but into the Viper community as a whole. I try to post constructive comments and suggestions here, although some can get the best of me at times. I also have my very own opinions that I like to share on occasion. I hope you will respect my right to post them.