Larry Macedo
I\'m Back...
In the shop today working on cars and answering phone calls. I'm returning unanswered phone calls also, apologies if you feel I've left you in the lurch this past week. I had to take care of some unfortunate family business in NE state of PA and while on the trip I tried to help out a few people with problems. I enjoyed meeting some amazing people in the Viper community and have made a few new friends along the way. You guys are great! If you tried to reach me by cell, I was unable to speak with most due to the mountains and it's bad reception, so I apologize and will call you all back today.
In the shop today working on cars and answering phone calls. I'm returning unanswered phone calls also, apologies if you feel I've left you in the lurch this past week. I had to take care of some unfortunate family business in NE state of PA and while on the trip I tried to help out a few people with problems. I enjoyed meeting some amazing people in the Viper community and have made a few new friends along the way. You guys are great! If you tried to reach me by cell, I was unable to speak with most due to the mountains and it's bad reception, so I apologize and will call you all back today.