i'm sick of haters!


Viper Owner
Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
Clovis, CA
Re: i\'m sick of haters!

I think a lot of the problems with people is respect, or should I say, lack of. I wouldn't think of leaning, touching, etc. anyones car or property. I am careful when opening my door so as not to hit the car next to me. Many years ago, 1971, my first newer car, 69 Pont. GP SJ, which a tour in Nam help pay for. Added custom paint, wheels and tires, the usual. Came out of a club and found someone sitting on the hood. Had a real short fuse back then, he lost. My kids were taught, if it's not your property you don't touch it. I don't see much of that any more. I just think there is less respect for other peoples property, imo.



Jul 22, 2002
Reaction score
W. Palm Beach
Re: i\'m sick of haters!

If your paranoid about driving a Dodge Viper and having people F with it. Imagine owning a Ferrari or Lambo. I’d never get out of it in public or slow down.
There’s a whole league of people believing America **** and the man is the reason they’ve accomplished nothing in there life. I’d love to drop these A holes in another country and let them get a reality check.

Fast Freddy

Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Re: i\'m sick of haters!

i went out clubing tonight and it never fails. why do so many people hate us for driving the cars we love? :mad: half the dudes at the bars want to fight, or tell me my car ***** etc... but the a-hole that took the cake was the one that spit on my damn car!! don't worry he got what he had coming. i still don't feel any better though. nights like tonight make me not want to drive my car in the city anymore. i seem to get a lot more negative attention, rather than positive.

the reason vipers are hated so much is because of websites like the "viper alley" and "smash my viper"

these websites really give viper owners a black eye and tarnish the image of the car. they should be sued by DC and held legally accountable


Dec 23, 2005
Reaction score
Pleasant Hill
Re: i\'m sick of haters!

This all goes back to the notion of where to park or not park your Viper.

There are a lot of people out there, especially drunk ones, who will just do something stupid because of their own insecurity.

After reading this I would probably never park the Viper in a place like a nightclub with alcohol and testosterone running high. I would park it valet at some places as long as it's up front under the watchful eyes of the valet guys.

Yeah, I hear you about getting more negative than positive attention. I wouldn't want to drive the Viper after a night of partying anyway because I would be a tropy catch for any LE.


Dec 23, 2005
Reaction score
Pleasant Hill
Re: i\'m sick of haters!

This all goes back to the notion of where to park or not park your Viper.

There are a lot of people out there, especially drunk ones, who will just do something stupid because of their own insecurity.

After reading this I would probably never park the Viper in a place like a nightclub with alcohol and testosterone running high. I would park it valet at some places as long as it's up front under the watchful eyes of the valet guys.

Yeah, I hear you about getting more negative than positive attention. I wouldn't want to drive the Viper after a night of partying anyway because I would be a tropy catch for any LE.

Midwest Muscle

Viper Owner
Feb 5, 2006
Reaction score
Springfield, MO
Re: i\'m sick of haters!

Fast Freddy, I think it might be a bit unwarranted to blame hate for Vipers on a website, viperalley or otherwise. I would wager that 99.9% of the people that see my Viper when I'm out driving have never heard of or read viperalley or this VCA site.

Mike M


Former VCA National President
Aug 1, 2003
Reaction score
Warren, OH
Re: i\'m sick of haters!

Randys has got it right. You can see it all over the place. I agree that lack of respect is the cause for many accidents. Just sit at any traffic light and you see people drive through red (not just turned red) and expect everyone to get out of the way. This also goes for parking, speeding in traffic,ect. I once had a guy chase me 25 miles in city traffic just to give me a piece of his mind because I was going on green (second car into intersection) and caused him to stop. He screamed for a good 10 min, saying that he was late for an appointment. until a cop came (called by some one at the gas station). He told the officer that he wanted to charge me under some civil code. This went on until the officer said he would get the red light cammera video. The guy then stop and said never mind and left, with the cop following him.

Motor City Mad Man

Nov 11, 2000
Reaction score
Las Vegas, NV
Re: i\'m sick of haters!

Depends on the tax brackets the patrons are in, in the clubs you are going too. If you drive your Viper to a community collage dive bar. They think your some rich kid on a trust fund rubbing their noses in your lucky ***** club benefits. They don’t want to think your just working harder than they are. On the other hand take your club to the sailfish club in Palm Beach and they think your a red neck that doesn’t have enough sense to buy a Ferrari.
We are in a class of our own that few get.

I posted in another thread about the two times my Viper was spit at in my absense. Both times it was parked right out in front of the club after I gave the valet a $20. I only park my Viper t a club if I know I can park it right out front. This was not some low life club, it has what I guess you would call yuppie type people there or at least people with some money. There is another bar across the street that is not so upscale, but still they aren't poor people. Just because people have money doesn't mean they have class. I suppose if you parked a Viper at a really exclusive club away from other clubs where all the clientele are multi-millionaires you wouldn't have as much of a problem. Which reminds me. I went to this one club kind of like that, where a lot of doctors and lawyers hang out. Plus a bunch of hot gold digging chicks. I drive up in my Viper and the valet area was full of newer Ferraris and Lamborghinis. So they said they had no room for my Viper up front. I felt so low. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

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