I am back
and with a new idea: than AutoArt will built for us the SRT Viper 2013.
I send this this morning:
Hello to the AutoArt Team,
My name is Christophe Lacombe, 47 years old, and live in the North of France.
I would like to know if the Dodge SRT Viper 2013 in 1/18 scale will be made in te futur by the AA Team, or not.
For information, one member of Viperpassion asked you this question a fiew months ago (in August 2013) and your answer was to have 500 interested members to start a production of this Dodge Viper model.
Is it always true now?
For instance, I asked on 2 forums to know how many members will be ready to buy an SRT Viper 2013, on Viperpassion.com and Forum.Miniature-auto.fr and have a special thread for this:
I hope your can read this, it's one of more important scale-models in Europe, my name on this is: Le66.
In a fiew minutes, I ask in the Viper Club Of America how many members will be interested by the SRT Viper 2013,I will hope to have a good result and tell you by the way what's happened.
Thanks a lot for reading and hope to have a good issue by the AutoArt Team.
My second idea is to know how many VCA members will be interested by this Viper 2013 in 1/18 scale (SRT or SRT-GTS in black or red in a first time, like 2006 coupe 1/18 in up)
For this, I ask you if it's possible to do a members-list in a new thread, you must know than AutoArt want 500 members in the world to produce the Viper, so, I am waiting your answer what can I do here.
I do the same on Viperpassion ( the real Viper's Forum in France) and on "Forum Miniature auto" scale-models forum (in France too), to have more members in this adventure.
My first idea was to meet these 2 forums with the VCA and have a good issue for all.
Thanks by adavnce for your interest of this.
Regards. Chris.