JimT 99RT
Viper Owner
When you pay other people to work on your stuff it is just another job to them, if they do an adequate job and don't F..K it up to bad and half way do it right you're doing good. The good people F..K it up, but they at least will go back and fix it without a lot of grief. Sometimes it's not their fault, it may be with their supplier, possibly an employee having a bad day, etc. and they have to decide do I eat the cost on this or not. You don't stay in business if you have to eat a lot of costs and give away free work, so they put their business hat on, and weigh the cost of redoing the job verses the possibly of loosing some business and pick the one that makes the most business sense. Sure there might be a few people that will take the same amount of care as you would yourself, but they are very rare. Generally when it is someone’s job, the quicker they can get your job done and move on to the next job the more money they make. It's not a hobby to them, it's a job, and generally speaking with any job the person would just as soon be doing something else. When you do it yourself its a hobby, you are not as worried about how long it takes, as you are about how good of a quality job you are doing. You do it yourself because you know its the only way to get it done right. I look at it this way even if I screw it up and have to redo it, at least I've learned something and its no worse than having someone work on it and having to take it back to them multiple times. Sometimes I just don't feel like doing the work myself so I take it in and I know that (1) it'll cost a lot more than it should and (2) after paying more than I should I will most likely have to take it back several times or (3) I’ll just fix the problems myself because its just easier, but I go into the deal knowing this. So let’s come back to reality when it comes to people working on your stuff, and accept things as just the way they are…