I was at a gas station, and this slightly older lady with a Suburban kinda sneers at me, and snips at me with heavy sarcasm, "What do you do when you gotta carry something?" She evidently thought this was my only vehicle, and apeared smug at owning a Suburban. So I say, "I've got several trucks", and she just shut up and looked away.
My neighbor lady goes "howz your little car?", in a very offhand way. I think she knows its the best car on our street, but she likes to give it "short shrift" just to piss me off. God I hate that!
Even the FOB(Fresh Off the Boat) Koreans accross the street knew it was a Viper! Sheesh!
In some ways, the Viper can bring out some negative emotions in people, jealousy, etc. Then, as was said above, you have those who pretend to know you can't afford the V12 upgrade, or claim they drove the original V8 version. I think the most positive response (other than the usual waves and smiles) was the kid who made the goal post sign with his arms as I drove by, like it was a "goal". I didn't understand that until later.
The Viper actually got in the way once, when I just wanted to talk to this girl, but she must have thought I wanted to impress her with the car. I roll down the window, and before I could say anything, she blurts out "Thats a very nice car", and immediately walks away before I could tell her she left her keys in her car's trunk!