jamie furman

Nov 15, 2000
Reaction score
woodbridge va
Gerald first off I did not hammer you I just don't happen to agree with alot of the stuff you say, personally I don't have a problem with you or Levin or anybody else. The only reason I ever even reply to half the stuff that is posted is because I don't agree with it.You non stop find any and every reason to talk up Doug almost every single post and how he is god of supercharging.I don't think there is anything wrong with saying something every now and then but come on man its unreal and nonstop and you think Joe is bad about Evan your way worse.Now that being said I don't know Doug but I have seen his cars run and they run good, better than everyone else? no., they run good, and they look like a good product. Is Jason's better? I don't know that is subjective based on price and performance who knows? The Levin guys would probably say theres is better like you and to you maybe it is. What this whole post boils down to is, there are a couple of us that have supercharged Heffner cars and we read all the Levin lover posts and it gets a little sickening, not to mention I don't agree with a lot of the hype, and if I had to read Heffner posts like that all the time I would quit doing business with him, because I don't like dealing with lobbyist but thats just me .I stated on the board the other day my favorite car was a GB's and Jason understands that I have a mind and I decide what is best for me, not him so that doesn't bother him. Now you Levin guys would not even think of doing that, you don't even make a post unless you can praise Doug and thats great that you love the guy, maybe he's lovable but I assure you the non levin owners don't care to hear it non stop.And I can assure you when a guy tells me about all this horsepower he has I like to see the numbers back it up or don't tell me, because even if its true and you can't harness it what good is it? And Max gts pay closer attention and don't listen to rumor! no nitrous needed, nothing fast enough to warrant it in my class, and the timeslips I will post when I figure out how to_Oh and what car were you driving or were you just there posing?


Aug 23, 2001
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MaxedGTS, i guess you heard it from the GUY driving and the ONE that put it together. Remember i never "claimed" to be anything more than state the facts, if it doesn't suit you that's just too bad. The cars speak for themselves not "i heard or rumours" like someone who like to spread garbage. Personally i do not care who wins or lose they are all vipers and i love the car. The TUNERS HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO BRAG BUT THEY MUST BACK IT UP, IT ONLY HELPS US THE CONSUMER.


Feb 5, 2001
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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jason Heffner:
Mr *****, once again you surface, trying to throw a little flame my way. Gary's car did in fact run 134.7 with about a 1.74 60 foot time. Whenever you come around you always seem to have your facts mixed up, there goes that selective memory again. I'll tell you what, I'll meet you at the track, run those numbers, and if you can find nitrous on Gary's car I'll give you my Viper. I don't believe anyone ever said Gary's car was faster that Dr. Roofs. Dr. Roof is a good guy in my book, you should learn from him. I would mention that we had no intercooler but then I'd be making excuses, and I don't have to, that's your job. I didn't notice your car out there laying down any numbers, probably because it doesn't run quite as good as your mouth. Not only did Gary's car not have Nitrous or intercooler, it also did not have race fuel injection but you tell yourself whatever you have to so you can sleep at night. Let me ask you something, what does Dr. Roofs car have to do with Gary's car? Dr. Roof has a fast car and he was out there racing it. Maybe you did see Gary's car run 132, Jamie missed a gear once. So tell me again which car was yours? I hate to have to talk a little smack on you but I can't stand those guys that are always running thier mouths about other peoples cars. :WARNING: This is now a polite conversation, don't make me have to take off the gloves. I'll look forward to hearing from you soon.

<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Jason, why the personal attack????? I said nothing to insult you.
I only stated what I saw and what I was told. One of your own customers told us you had nitrous on Gary's car. Go back and reread my post. Next time don't let your Napoleon complex get the best of you.



Aug 23, 2001
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SVS, i think all viper owners would welcome you into the drag racing arena it only raises the bar higher and higher. Turbo's have always been my choice for performance gains however the price makes my knees buckle. One question do you run low compression and high boost or higher compression and less boost?


Feb 27, 2001
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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maxedgts:
Interesting, I was there. I did NOT see Gary's car run any 135mph trap speeds, maybe 132 on average. Big difference between the mph, you should know better than that with your "claimed" experience. I did see Dr. Roof run between 136 and 139 on average and there is a big difference between the two mph's. I did NOT see Gary driving his own car, somebody else drove the car and with much more experience than Dr. Roof. I was told Gary's car has nitrous on it too. That may account for your intercooler. Max

Not that it makes any difference, but obviously Max you're posting what the "machine" is telling you to post. First, I have timeslips and video of my car running 134+, which seems good enough for most people here. It's funny that you have to resurface to cast doubt on some very good runs from my car. And yes, it was driven by Jamie Furman by my choice. Not every car was driven by it's owner (I think you know what I mean). Nobody is taking anything away from Dr. Roof's car-it was flat out awesome.

There were literally dozens of people that had full access to my car and were completely in awe of the workmanship by Jason Heffner. The performance, workmanship, and the price Jason charges for this package make this a truly amazing car. You can ask any of those dozens of people who were allowed to crawl around the engine compartment if I had nitrous.

If you're still unconvinced, I would be happy to give you a personal tour of my car and would be more than happy to race you anytime you are up to it.

Now go away...

Dr Roof

Jan 22, 2002
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Louisville, KY usa

I have some nice video of your car! I enjoyed your car as well as it's performance! The car obviously performed well! I also like alot of other car's as well that wasn't supercharged but other setup's. I mean they are all VIPERS and that says alot by itself! I still think it would be a blast to get together again and have a shootout! Win or Loose I will have a good time. And im sure I can learn alot.

Jason Heffner

Dec 29, 2000
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Sarasota, Florida
Max, why the personal attack? I shoud ask you the very same thing. First for no reason at all you try to say that Gary's car didn't run what it did. Then you give a slap in the face by insinuating that it had nitrous?! I think I've said plenty of positive things about a number of cars that I didn't build. It seems to me that you have never said one positive thing about me. You didn't see Gary driving his car? I didn't see Treynor driving his car, does that mean he never does or never will? Nope. I also didn't see a lot of people driving thier cars. What's your point? I didn't see you driving anything.

Gerald, when have I ever hammered you before? I don't ever recall making one negative comment about your car. As a matter of fact I'm sure I never have. You don't drag race? What do you call racing bikes? What are you talking about when you say I put down every tuner? Could someone please show me where I've done that? I guess I'm the only one who thinks that running a fast e.t. is a display of a tuners capabilities. Having said that, guess what, I never said I had the fastest or quickest cars at the drags, I believe those were the nitrous cars. Please don't take anything I've said as a slam to your car or your tuner. All I'm doing is stating the facts. It's funny how you guys are the only ones that have a problem with me or my cars. When have I ever made a negative comment about one of your cars?


Apr 5, 2001
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Team Heffner brothers,Maxy don't mean no harm he just shoots from the hip.My wife does that,from time to time i've got to duck tape her mouth shut and hang her out the window


Oct 2, 2000
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Near Tampa Bay
Man, I wish I could have been at the races.. Sounded like a great time! Perhaps next year... how about somewhere where the weather is never a problem......


Did they mention where the next VIO will be?


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