Trying to decide between 08 or 09 to buy
Those of you with 08's please chime in regarding your experience with drive by wire vs conventional throttle cable[pre 08's].
I am hesitant to buy an 08 due to some complaints on this board of sluggish responce [throttle tip in] under 3000 rpm of the new drive by wire throttle compared to the previous throttle cable system though I am told the 09 will be improved in that area.
I understand any 08my changes must go through new epa testing to resolve any drive by wire issues so it isn't likely to happen any time soon, if at all
Any responces appreciated. *** ok
Those of you with 08's please chime in regarding your experience with drive by wire vs conventional throttle cable[pre 08's].
I am hesitant to buy an 08 due to some complaints on this board of sluggish responce [throttle tip in] under 3000 rpm of the new drive by wire throttle compared to the previous throttle cable system though I am told the 09 will be improved in that area.
I understand any 08my changes must go through new epa testing to resolve any drive by wire issues so it isn't likely to happen any time soon, if at all
Any responces appreciated. *** ok