Funny you should ask. Initially when I bought this car - it was my "dream car" - I thought the look of this car was different than any other car. Power was awesome. Once I got it I started customizing it, still am. However, I recently came to a conclusion. It's really not what I thought it was going to be - I really don't enjoy it all that much. I think the problem is my previous car, which was a Supra TT - worked quite a bit. That car was not only seriously fast, but drove like a "lexus". I've seen some guys on this board mention that they have also owned supras - these guys will know what I mean. When I step out of the viper, I feel like I've been abused. Literally. It's loud (price of no cats), and it's very hot. I'm getting sick of that feeling. Plus I came to the realization that I'm not really a "Big engine" fan. I'll take a turbo charged v6 any day of the week (drove my friend's 02 TT porsche - awwwwesome.) To me, the sound and feel of turbos can't be beat. I know that there are some TT vipers out there but I still think that big 10 will still abuse me. I guess I thought that any power was good, no matter how it was achieved. In my case, I don't see it like that anymore. I'm not trying to start a flame job or anything, I still love the idea of owning something different (like the viper), but I am a little turned off by the car at this point. I'm also very happy for those of you who do love the "big" 10 cylinder power.
If any Supra guys are out there, I'm seriously considering another one next spring. I've said it before, but now I'm really serious. I would appreciate any help locating a stock TT. I would consider an rx-7 too. I have some time though. e-mail me anytime.