Re: Issue$ with the VCO / VCA story - Thank you VCA, FIXED! Cost saving membership UP
....The VCA officers spent many months investigating this, ...
I'm sure this lengthy investigation revealed nothing less than a club that serves it's members best interest with every decision made.
..Hello Mike,Thank you for offering to host an event. It does sounds interesting.I think we can put something together
The email clearly states that the vco WOULD consider your event. It also asks for membership clarification.
[I was then excluded since not paying the extra VCO dues, virtually / email outcasted, and no longer considered a part of the VCO?]
The email indicates that indeed, you WERE on the email list.
There are several members who communicated many others issues in addition to mine with the VCO.
Members should communicate their concerns to the board for a resolve. Perhaps these 'others' should have done that?
The VCA even helped save us money in Ontario to renew or create our VCA membership online now including the VCO, ....
Currency fluctuation is a consideration.
Membership dues are public information and therefore no cause for a long investigation.
You mention that your job was demanding of your time. Everyone's lifestyle is demanding of their time as are the volunteer hours spent by regional board members who spend many countless hours, many times using 'family time', planning events to ensure that the passion of Vipers is shared with all members of every region. Some members can participate and some can't. There are many incentives of membership that can accommodate various lifestyles. ; one of which is planned events. There are costs involved with most of these incentives; Magazines, invitations, club sponsored events and the list goes on and on. Costs vary by country and as an Ontario resident, I'm sure you'll agree that the 13% HST tax has a great impact when added to the already higher prices for goods and services when compared to the same services in other countries.
There are many considerations to the fee structure of any club. Perhaps you don't attend events and therefore don't feel you should contribute while perhaps another member doesn't care to interact online. Fees can not be individualized based on what service a member participates in. Instead, an average fee maintains fairness for all.
Please know that your volunteer board members not only pay the same fee but also spend additional non-reimbursed personal money to benefit the club and it's members.....but perhaps you are already aware of this from your mentioned investigative report by the VCA?
There is no secret about club membership fees and everyone is aware that registration is with the VCA so I don't see any point in bringing this OLD thread back to the forefront.