Your right. They just started the process of hiring people today.
Hi Rich. Yea, the news said that almost 10,000 people turned out at their "job fest" today, to fill 1,500 positions. Of course, George Bush just said last night that the job market is great.... but, what do I know!
Anyway..... that's another subject for another forum.......
HELLO from Texas!!!! You guys would not believe how much work and planning is already going on for this next VOI, still nine months away. My all time personal favorite was VOI.4 in Orlando in 1997, but I promise you that all the people involved this time are going to do everything in their power to even top that one!
You should SEE this new Opryland Texan Resort! Wow! Region Presidents are soon going to be receiving some fancy brochures to share with their members! I've already been inside the place while it's under construction, and it seems like it has all the advantages of Opryland in Nashville....... but you can actually find your way around! Texas Motor Speedway is one of the nation's best track facilities, and only about 20 minutes away.
I know there are disappointed people out west, but at least Dallas sits right in the middle of both coasts, so it's going to end up being just about an equi-distant trip for everyone this time. Honestly, the way things seem to be going in the entire auto industry, I'm just glad to have another VOI, where ever it happened to fall! Before any compaining starts about the Dallas location versus other sites, you all need to understand something. A whole BUNCH of potential locations (especially out west) all started out under equal consideration. When all was said and done, Dallas offered the best possible solution for matching up all those little details that have to come together, such as hotel availability, track facilities, track availability, date conflicts, costs, etc., etc., and etc. It's always like trying to fit a square peg in a triangular hole! Anyway, Headquarters is planning some very cool surprises, and I feel sorry for those of you who may not be able to attend. In the future, I'll try to stay active on this thread, so I can be around to answer questions, following official announcements from Viper Headquarters. I can promise you that the North Texas VCA Region will also be doing their best to help out, just to make sure you all enjoy your visit to Texas! Get ready to saddle up your snake, and head em on out!

It will definitely be worth the effort and expense! See y'all soon!