Jon B from the PartsRack, worst experience I ever had!

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viper GTS-R

May 24, 2001
Reaction score
Fords, NJ
If you are going to buy $hit tickets, I can't think of any better place to purchase them than Sams Club. Bulk, cheap, handy, and a must have for any bathroom.

Of course, when I go, I know what I am looking for and I am prepared to deal with everything that comes witha trip to Sams Club.

LMAO $hit tickets that was good! :2tu:

99 R/T 10

Jun 4, 2001
Reaction score
Enterprise, AL USA
So if you WERE ready to buy today why not just say so?? Seems as if you wanted to enter into a joust where you had the upper hand. That is not the way you deal with a guy like Jon. With the prices he gives there's no need to dicker or play committment games.

Because the high pressure tactics are best left to the used car salseman, NOT somebody within the Viper community. It is disrespectfull to the customer. :mad:


Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
California, East Bay
If you are going to buy $hit tickets, I can't think of any better place to purchase them than Sams Club. Bulk, cheap, handy, and a must have for any bathroom.

Of course, when I go, I know what I am looking for and I am prepared to deal with everything that comes witha trip to Sams Club.

LMAO $hit tickets that was good! :2tu:
heh... took me a minute to figure that out too. :D

Kai SRT10

Feb 4, 2004
Reaction score
Salt Lake City
I've dealt with Jon B a lot.

I bought stuff from him, and also have wasted a bunch of his time asking him questions about stuff I didn't buy.

I've never found anyone with better prices, and he's always been willing to go the extra mile for me, even tracking down parts from other sellers when he didn't have something I needed.

Another thing I find impressive is that he has talked me out of buying stuff from him if he didn't think I needed it. I called him once ready to buy a $3,000 item, and he told me I shouldn't buy it because it probably wouldn't be the best for me.

He's never been rude or unhelpful to me, but everyone has bad days.

Bottom line for me is that he's a great asset to the community and the first guy I call when I need something for my Viper.


Viper Owner
Jun 21, 2002
Reaction score
bay area ca.
thumbs up...........i always ask john if he has a minute before rambling on......sometimes i've bought, sometimes not, but i'll call him first.......dave

zen garage

Oct 19, 2004
Reaction score
Glenview Illinois
Jons overall knowledge of everything Viper is unparalled and his prices cant be beat.

I prefer a guy that tells it to me straight to one that blows sunshine up my ass.


Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Needless to say, I have some surgical experience and do lots of "odd jobs".

So what do you say guys? Do you want to give me the "go ahead" and cut Jon B's cojones off now, or shall we put this to rest?

I vote for putting this to rest (besides, it's my day off)!

LET'S END THIS!!!!! :2tu:


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
On behalf of Viper brother Jon B, my thoughts are: Jon is a genius at getting free publicity. He has the uncanny ability to know when someone calling him is thin skinned. He then deteremines if it has been long enough since the last "JonB is Rude" post. If it has been long enough, the sensitive one is then treated to a course of JonB abruptness which results in a bunch of free publicity and testimonials from the many people, including me, that JonB has helped over the years. I, for one, hope that he never changes. He's one of a kind. His prices are low because his overhead is low. If he hires some smooth talking salesperson, he will have to pay that person and his prices will go up. Besides, he is old enough to have womenapause ( the PC way to say "menapause" for men ) and that may be part of the problem. LOL. Hi Jon. I hope that you have enjoyed this thread.



May 20, 2005
Reaction score
New York
To YellowViperSRT10 credit, I dont think he was overly "sensitive" but he could have exercised better judgement in posting this message.

He was in the market for a suspension and has the right to ask inteligent questions to make final decisions on a purchase. He did not like what he heard or didnt hear for that matter, so he went elsewhere which is what anyone would have done. However i do not think it was 100% appropriate to post it on this website. I think these posts are only acceptable when the actual purchase is made and the person is oversold a bill of goods and gets screwed over.


Jan 25, 2006
Reaction score
First of all I need to declare that I am one of JonB's biggest supporters. We have had our ups and downs, big time both ways, but their is no one else that can match his service and prices. He is among a few of the most knowledgeable persons I am aware of when it comes to Vipers and the VCA.

I spoke to him at length on Monday late afternoon, I was in fact very suprised he had the time. Jokingly he let me know that since most of us are now aware of "cranky Monday", his Monday's have slowed somewhat and he gets bombed now on Tuesdays. What is interesting in this to me is that there are enough of his customers that respect him and still want the price and service he gives so they possibly delay their requests in order to get past his busy Monday and now Tuesday is his busiest day! Like a tube of toothpaste was his remark or something like that.

Jon is not rude, he is brusque and abrupt. He attempts to keep his overhead low and passes the saving on to his customers. He works on much less mark-up than most and attempts to make it up with volume and the best service he can provide. He is damn busy. It is his choice and right to keep his staff to minimum and not deal with the administrative duties necessary to have multiple order lines and employees.

When I say that he is not rude, I know from personal experience that he takes the negative comments that come from here and his callers to heart and it bothers him that he feels it's necessary at busy times to triage his customers for that is what works the best for him. Best for him is that his business continues and for many of us here, it's best for us. I would rather know I am getting good service and prices than give it up so he can have a warm and fuzzy interface with everyone by hiring a larger staff.

Those of you that seem to come to this forum and bawl like babies every time something bad happens really need to get over this and grow up and stop becoming victims everytime someone doesn't treat you the way you feel you should, have earned, or demand to be treated in this life. If coddling is what you really need, go somewhere that you can get your backside kissed and enjoy your shopping experience. Why trash long time vendors that sponsor this forum because of instances just because you feel outrage at being treated so poorly. Apparently you solved your purchase and felt good about the results, that's terrific. Why didn't you call JonB back and rub it in his nose, it would have taken less time than your post? If I went to your business and had a bad experience, how would you feel seeing it here for all to see? Yes, you absolutely have a right to express any opinion you wish on this forum and in this great country of ours, but when you knock in order to possibly damage a guy's livelyhood based on one or two telephone calls, you're just a richard sucker in my opinion. Be a man and call him back up, give him a piece of your mind. Yell at him, tell him off, talk rational, become unglued whatever, just call him or email him directly. Handle it man to man instead of ******* and moaning here. Call me a tool, that's the cool phrase now isn't it? Okay, I am a tool and you are a wuss (and that's the nicest way I could think of describing it).

You don't run your business that way, super. I'm sure you're extremely successful and I wish you all the best in that endeavor. Just don't knock someone else's methods based on one or two experiences especially when that person has spent more than a decade supporting the Viper experience because of passion and profit.

My car is all but finished. I will not be buying any more parts unless I wreck it or buy another so if you're thinking I'm kissing up to get deeper discounts, that's not it. I'm just a poor country boy businessman that doesn't like seeing another abused.

It reminds me of my call today to a tech support that was answered in another country that all were trained to be very polite "how can I help you today?; I am here to give you excellent service; have a wonderful springtime season; I am so very sorry you are having a problem but rest assure I am here to make your experience a happy one". The end result is it took 73 minutes of which I was put on hold 5 times and they still didn't solve my problem.

No I would have rather had JonB at the end of the other line on that one.

Amazing how there is always one idiotic reply, it never fails. I predicted it. Proves the point again, just because someone can afford Viper or any other nice car it does not buy them respect or class, let alone the knowledge of how to talk to another man.

I don't think anyone else in my situation would have done anything different then what I have. Maybe not making a thread on it, but that's it. I have heard lots of people buy from Jon B so when I spoke to him and got that attitude it totally blew my mind.

I find it absolutely amazing how it goes to show you how moody this guy is that you know when to call him or when not to call him. That is a TERRIBLE way to do business. I think I may shut down my business get into the Viper business, hire a$$hole that knows about vipers and sell at Walmart prices and still get customers that love me for the reason we sell low but our attitudes ****. Its a win win situation, as long as you know you sh*t you can basically ask your customers if you do not buy today I do not want to waste my time on you. But if you give me your credit card # I will tell you everything you need to know about a viper inside and out. Then i can have people write threads about me, knowing our attitudes **** and they will still love us! I definitely will be looking into getting into the Viper aftermarket parts business, i love it.

Who is not moody on a Monday? Some people just need to control it ESPECIALLY when you are in sales. If this guy is known to have an attitude he should put a disclaimer on his site saying not to call Monday's due to pissy *** attitude you normally have to deal with from your wife instead of buying parts for your Viper from another man.

I was in a very simple situation, I needed a suspension, call Jon, tried to ask a few questions and he would not answer then unless I committed to buy today. Once I heard that I was shocked since I never heard that before other then in car sales. He was rude so we ended the call. I then call Doug levin and ask about his coilover kit, the guy a pleasure to deal with, very nice and helpful. He did not even need to be as nice, all I needed was someone to answer maybe 1 or 2 questions. I do not want the question "if you are not buying today don't waste your time with me" thrown at me. Doug answered my questions and I bought from him.

Does Job B need my business? Nope. But I think he was lacking something called respect when you are dealing with a customer. Its a simple as that. I was not asking to be friends with the guy.

I applaud him for his knowledge in Vipers. Unfortunately I was not able to hear anything that proved he even knew what a viper was.

The first impression is was counts the most. I will definitely never need to call him again when I can simply go other places.

Again, this guy probably did not need my business, but acting like an a$$hole never helps anything when you have a customer asking a simple question. I think we can all agree on that? There should not be a series of rules to follow before making a call to a store.

I wish all of you nothing but the best dealing with Jon. Still amazing how people try to talk bad about the poster when there should have been no reason at all for anyone to act like this to even make me write a thread about it.

Obviously, it appears some people have had a bad experience with him also which is what I wanted to know.


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
From the original post: " I again say I really do not know, possibly if I find out what I need I will. I needed to know a FEW THINGS about the kit such as how much you lower it, what spring rates I need, how you adjust stuff etc."

In all fairness to Jon, the above do not constitute a few simple questions. Jon sells parts. He is not a pro bono psychic Vipertech.( Vipertechs charge $84.00 an hour in Blair, Nebraska. In Miami, they have armed escorts. LOL) First you find out about the parts and how to install them. Then you call Jon and order the parts. Since when does any discount parts outlet give good, reliable free, comprehensive mechanical instructions? They don't. Hiring the personnel to do so would ruin their business model. In all fairness to you, Jon should have said to you, in a nicer way, what I said above and told you that he would be glad to spend some time on the line with you after you were ready to order.

If I remember correctly, you had the alleged defective shocks put on by a shop that specialized in aftermarket wheels. What you need to do is spend the money to have the shocks put on by someone who specializes in Vipers and has installed many sets of Motons and Eibachs and corner balanced the vehicle. In fact this is the person that you should be talking to about your questions before you buy the shocks and springs. The job will be done correctly and your car will be safer to drive.


Jul 27, 2000
Reaction score
Severna Park, Maryland
Baloney. You just should have said you were ready to buy. Because you obviously were. Nothing else makes any sense. Instead you wanted to play some game which included making Jon think you were NOT ready to buy when you were. Jon proceeded to then trump your little game so you are now here attempting to get one over on him to salve your ego. Waste of time, count the supporters on this thread vs. the detractors. Then look at the length of time the supporters have been here. We don't really care how many guys like you he blows off, more phone time for the rest of us who know how to approach an expert such as he is with an understanding of his limited time and overhead.


Jan 25, 2006
Reaction score
From the original post: " I again say I really do not know, possibly if I find out what I need I will. I needed to know a FEW THINGS about the kit such as how much you lower it, what spring rates I need, how you adjust stuff etc."

In all fairness to Jon, the above do not constitute a few simple questions. Jon sells parts. He is not a pro bono psychic Vipertech.( Vipertechs charge $84.00 an hour in Blair, Nebraska. In Miami, they have armed escorts. LOL) First you find out about the parts and how to install them. Then you call Jon and order the parts. Since when does any discount parts outlet give good, reliable free, comprehensive mechanical instructions? They don't. Hiring the personnel to do so would ruin their business model. In all fairness to you, Jon should have said to you, in a nicer way, what I said above and told you that he would be glad to spend some time on the line with you after you were ready to order.

If I remember correctly, you had the alleged defective shocks put on by a shop that specialized in aftermarket wheels. What you need to do is spend the money to have the shocks put on by someone who specializes in Vipers and has installed many sets of Motons and Eibachs and corner balanced the vehicle. In fact this is the person that you should be talking to about your questions before you buy the shocks and springs. The job will be done correctly and your car will be safer to drive.

Simple questions or not, Jon didn't even let me ask them. I never heard of a place to not want to answer a question before you buy, PERIOD!

The place who installed my suspension does lots of Moton Kits on Vipers. I also went to Doug Levin and him and his tech personally took out all the suspension and put it back in again before inspecting it. Turns out there was nothing wrong with the install, it was faultily parts by KW which is why they are taking them back under warranty.

Vipera Russelli

Mar 9, 2004
Reaction score

I’ve taken up lots of Jon’s time asking questions about all sorts of parts that I didn’t buy, that's for sure. And he’s never made the same demands on me as he made on you regarding a commitment from you to buy. Not even before I made my very first purchase from him. But I do buy lots of parts from Jon, and intended to buy parts the first time I called, or shortly thereafter. I suspect that in your case, however, Jon may have suspected a lack of willingness on your part to purchase from him at all, ever. Perhaps Jon remembered your KW-troubles posts and recognized that you were a parts retailer yourself, perhaps a potential PartsRack competitor even, with your own access to suspension components at wholesale prices, in which case, you probably wouldn’t be calling for a purchase anyway, but instead would only be calling for just free, time-consuming, information. Jon is willing to invest a lot of time in a lot of discussions (believe me I know), but ultimately, time is something in very short supply for him and he has to be careful how he allocates it among callers. It sounds like he suspected you weren’t a buyer, so he moved on to callers who were.

Sorry to hear that JonB gave you the worst experience you've ever had, but at least you've vented here, called people unprofessional, idiotic, etc., and presumably, hopefully, feel better now. That’s important.

You know, all of the other parts vendors on this board are mighty professional to each other and don’t post “this vendor was rude to me” or “I don’t like this guy” or “why would any smart person buy from him” kind of cheap shot messages. Posts like that do occur, but until now they haven’t been authored by another parts vendor. I’m not sure if it’s professional courtesy or just good business practice among the other vendors, but I can’t help but find it just a little ironic that you, a parts vendor yourself and relative newbie to this board, are coming on here, calling people names and smearing a fellow vendor in a public forum, and all the while claiming that you are so much more professional than JonB. I’m sorry Jon unset you so much, but I agree with the above post by Larry (you know, the guy that you said has no “respect or class, let alone the knowledge of how to talk to another man”), in that you should have taken up your beef with Jon, instead of venting and ranting on this board. You’re better than that, man.


Jan 25, 2006
Reaction score

I’ve taken up lots of Jon’s time asking questions about all sorts of parts that I didn’t buy, that's for sure. And he’s never made the same demands on me as he made on you regarding a commitment from you to buy. Not even before I made my very first purchase from him. But I do buy lots of parts from Jon, and intended to buy parts the first time I called, or shortly thereafter. I suspect that in your case, however, Jon may have suspected a lack of willingness on your part to purchase from him at all, ever. Perhaps Jon remembered your KW-troubles posts and recognized that you were a parts retailer yourself, perhaps a potential PartsRack competitor even, with your own access to suspension components at wholesale prices, in which case, you probably wouldn’t be calling for a purchase anyway, but instead would only be calling for just free, time-consuming, information. Jon is willing to invest a lot of time in a lot of discussions (believe me I know), but ultimately, time is something in very short supply for him and he has to be careful how he allocates it among callers. It sounds like he suspected you weren’t a buyer, so he moved on to callers who were.

Sorry to hear that JonB gave you the worst experience you've ever had, but at least you've vented here, called people unprofessional, idiotic, etc., and presumably, hopefully, feel better now. That’s important.

You know, all of the other parts vendors on this board are mighty professional to each other and don’t post “this vendor was rude to me” or “I don’t like this guy” or “why would any smart person buy from him” kind of cheap shot messages. Posts like that do occur, but until now they haven’t been authored by another parts vendor. I’m not sure if it’s professional courtesy or just good business practice among the other vendors, but I can’t help but find it just a little ironic that you, a parts vendor yourself and relative newbie to this board, are coming on here, calling people names and smearing a fellow vendor in a public forum, and all the while claiming that you are so much more professional than JonB. I’m sorry Jon unset you so much, but I agree with the above post by Larry (you know, the guy that you said has no “respect or class, let alone the knowledge of how to talk to another man”), in that you should have taken up your beef with Jon, instead of venting and ranting on this board. You’re better than that, man.

Look how you just posted a good experience with Jon, that is just great, and I am honestly happy for you. Now why do you fail to understand that I would have LOVED to post a good experience if I had one, but didn't? In all honestly, people would have loved if I said I just purchased things from Job B, he was great. But it seems no one like the ugly side when someone they deal with was not nice to someone else you automatically think there is something wrong or it is a lie? Trust me, there are tons of threads out there saying how good Doug Levin is, and no one said your a noob don't post this.

If Jon Even knew I was a parts retailer that should not matter. From what I was told he does sell wholesale to shops which is another reason why i called, and I would have loved to get them from him if I had a fair chance. So that makes no difference in the world to this situation.


May 20, 2005
Reaction score
New York
this website is slowly become more of a ***** session than an informational forum for Vipers. We really need to get past this crap.


Viper Owner
Feb 14, 2004
Reaction score
Well, when all is said and done, and all is done and said, the bottom line of all this is:





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:nana: :D :nana:


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
YelowViperSRT10 said; "The place who installed my suspension does lots of Moton Kits on Vipers."

1. I do not think that there are "lots" of Vipers with Motons in Fort Lauderdale and Miami.

2. There are not alot of Vipers period.

3. I have seen a number of installations at our South Florida VCA club meetings. Some of them could be better. There is a better placement for the front cannisters than on top under the hood. Also, if you merely want to lower the car and don't care about road course performance, why waste money on the Motons and Eibachs? There are less expensive ways to lower the car and many posts about same in the archives.

4. Do yourself a favor and talk to Doug about what your goals are and the best way to fulfill them. In the alternative, take the car over to Mark Leslie and John at Hollywood Chrysler Plymouth on Route 441 and talk to them about it.

I wish you good luck with EuroTeck Motorsports and your KW sales. You might want to post the facts surrounding the defective KW shocks on the EuroTeck site since you sell KW shocks. Sorry, I could not resist. LOL



Viper Owner
Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
dutchess county, ny
YelowViperSRT10 said; "The place who installed my suspension does lots of Moton Kits on Vipers."

1. I do not think that there are "lots" of Vipers with Motons in Fort Lauderdale and Miami.

2. There are not alot of Vipers period.

3. I have seen a number of installations at our South Florida VCA club meetings. Some of them could be better. There is a better placement for the front cannisters than on top under the hood. Also, if you merely want to lower the car and don't care about road course performance, why waste money on the Motons and Eibachs? There are less expensive ways to lower the car and many posts about same in the archives.

4. Do yourself a favor and talk to Doug about what your goals are and the best way to fulfill them. In the alternative, take the car over to Mark Leslie and John at Hollywood Chrysler Plymouth on Route 441 and talk to them about it.

I wish you good luck with EuroTeck Motorsports and your KW sales. You might want to post the facts surrounding the defective KW shocks on the EuroTeck site since you sell KW shocks. Sorry, I could not resist. LOL


hey Bob

can you post some pics of where the better mounting spots are?

I think what he ment is that cars get shipped to Doug Levin form all over the world!!!! and thats a fact!!!

Also from what I read and even in this thread the only real way to lower an srt is with the motons. (unless your willing to chance major problems like the person that started this thread had with another brand.)



Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
1. I don't have pics. My front Moton canisters are located to the back and side of the inside of the front wheel wells. Woodhouse did the install. Correct me if I am wrong, but I am under the impression that Mark Jorgensen and his merry band of Vipertechs have installed more Eibach/Moton sets and corner balanced more Vipers than most other groups.

2. The poster was not talking about Doug. Doug did not install his KW's. Some aftermarket wheel shop installed his KW's. If Doug's people had done the work, it would have been done correctly.

3. There have been other posts where cars have been lowered by other methods. As I said before, if all he wants is a slammed look without road course performance, there are cheaper ways to get it. I did not say they are safer, just cheaper.

4. If you can read this post with care and precision, thank a teacher. If you have AHAD, read this post again slowly. Then read it again.

Regards to all.



Aug 29, 2005
Reaction score
Black Vipers are faster.


YellowViperSRT10 said:

"Amazing how there is always one idiotic reply, it never fails. I predicted it. Proves the point again, just because someone can afford Viper or any other nice car it does not buy them respect or class, let alone the knowledge of how to talk to another man."

Tsk, tsk; according to your rules of engagement this is not the way to refer to any possible future customer. While researching how best to respond to your original post I came upon your website, very nice. I currently own a 2004 996 tt cab and ever since putting my order in for the same car in the 997 version (none of which bought me respect or class, wasn't even in my thought process; interesting ego strokes you must need) I decided rather than sell the 996, I would mod it; I have really had a great experience doing my Viper. I have been discussing this situation with my local P tuner and researching and discussing information with Ruf, Gemballa, and Evo so far. I've been looking for some body panels too, and saw you have those. Love those Gemballa Competition 18's, that's what the 996 is wearing now.

So this "no class idiot without any knowledge of talking to men" is letting everyone that reads this forum know in ePerpetuity that not only will I never purchase anything from your company, I may take my idiotic self over to my P buddies, PCA chapters and forums in order to tell everyone my perception of you and therefore your company. I intend to make sure they understand you did not tell the complete truth of your conversation with JonB. According to my research you are a liar. You really should set the tone and gist of a telephone conversation rather than just the "punch lines", especially when condemning a person's business and ethics, especially when they're a sponsor, especially when it's a no-win for them to defend themselves on a public forum. You call him back yet? Since it is not important to you, I will follow your lead. In regards to "knowledge" in talking to another man ????????????? You really are a wuss.

See you on the P sites. Happy motoring.


ps. Black SRT-10 Paxton aspirated are faster!! And I apologize to the other members and posters here for bringing up anything regarding P cars. The rest of it, I stand by.


May 7, 2001
Reaction score
Alb. NM
Why are all you guys slaming YellowSRT? He had ****** service and posted it. He has his right to post his experience with a company. I had bad service w parts rack but, i just never bought anything from them. I just spent my money else where. He wanted to post and let other people know how he treats people so what. Why slam him? i have nothing against Jon B I just won't buy anything from him.


Jan 7, 2006
Reaction score
I just recently purchased about 450 dollars worth of interior mods, and the only problem I have is with the 24 dollar radio knob. I taked to Jon via email and he responded call MGW!!! I buy all the parts from Jon and now its my responsibiity to call the manufacture, I dont think thats right, He should of handled it a little differently. Im not going to loose sleep over 24 dollars, but I was planning on buying belanger headers and belanger cat back from Jon, but I will now buy elswhere. Im sure Jon meant nothing by it, But it was not my cup of tea experience!! .02 But if Jon wants to give me credit for the Radio knob, I might consider buying the exhaust from him.


Jan 25, 2006
Reaction score
1. I don't have pics. My front Moton canisters are located to the back and side of the inside of the front wheel wells. Woodhouse did the install. Correct me if I am wrong, but I am under the impression that Mark Jorgensen and his merry band of Vipertechs have installed more Eibach/Moton sets and corner balanced more Vipers than most other groups.

2. The poster was not talking about Doug. Doug did not install his KW's. Some aftermarket wheel shop installed his KW's. If Doug's people had done the work, it would have been done correctly.

3. There have been other posts where cars have been lowered by other methods. As I said before, if all he wants is a slammed look without road course performance, there are cheaper ways to get it. I did not say they are safer, just cheaper.

4. If you can read this post with care and precision, thank a teacher. If you have AHAD, read this post again slowly. Then read it again.

Regards to all.


You may have not read everything, after I had a problem I had the car brought to Doug Levin and he looked at the car on 3 occasions. Even took it all out and put it back in. Doug was still unsure. But it had nothing to do with the install even Doug admitted. KW then sent us new shocks, which DOUG tried to install then we realized there are some things wrong with the kit. We spoke to KW and so did Doug. They were shocked and said this is a defective batch that went out. I already spoke with Doug for my new coilovers and I am getting the a Coilover kit from him next week when it comes in. Even though I am upset from KW i will still think they make great stuff. Unfortunately I did not get to experience it on this car though.


Jan 25, 2006
Reaction score
Black Vipers are faster.


YellowViperSRT10 said:

"Amazing how there is always one idiotic reply, it never fails. I predicted it. Proves the point again, just because someone can afford Viper or any other nice car it does not buy them respect or class, let alone the knowledge of how to talk to another man."

Tsk, tsk; according to your rules of engagement this is not the way to refer to any possible future customer. While researching how best to respond to your original post I came upon your website, very nice. I currently own a 2004 996 tt cab and ever since putting my order in for the same car in the 997 version (none of which bought me respect or class, wasn't even in my thought process; interesting ego strokes you must need) I decided rather than sell the 996, I would mod it; I have really had a great experience doing my Viper. I have been discussing this situation with my local P tuner and researching and discussing information with Ruf, Gemballa, and Evo so far. I've been looking for some body panels too, and saw you have those. Love those Gemballa Competition 18's, that's what the 996 is wearing now.

So this "no class idiot without any knowledge of talking to men" is letting everyone that reads this forum know in ePerpetuity that not only will I never purchase anything from your company, I may take my idiotic self over to my P buddies, PCA chapters and forums in order to tell everyone my perception of you and therefore your company. I intend to make sure they understand you did not tell the complete truth of your conversation with JonB. According to my research you are a liar. You really should set the tone and gist of a telephone conversation rather than just the "punch lines", especially when condemning a person's business and ethics, especially when they're a sponsor, especially when it's a no-win for them to defend themselves on a public forum. You call him back yet? Since it is not important to you, I will follow your lead. In regards to "knowledge" in talking to another man ????????????? You really are a wuss.

See you on the P sites. Happy motoring.


ps. Black SRT-10 Paxton aspirated are faster!! And I apologize to the other members and posters here for bringing up anything regarding P cars. The rest of it, I stand by.

I really wish one thing you said there made sense. I do not understand one thing you said or understand how Porsches are brought into this. And now calling me a liar? this is getting a bit out of hand. Its becoming a he said she said ******* match since you love Jon B and he would NEVER treat anyone bad since he sells at such low prices. I wish I had the phone call recorded. Again, you only want to hear the good from someone you like and are very against hearing something bad.

This reminds me when you see a kid on the local news shoot 2 innocent people and the mother comes out for an interview and says what a good kid he was. They loved him, of course he is great. You are a supporter for Jon, I do not expect any different from you.

Next time you see Jon, do me a favor and give him a pat on the back for me. I applaud his world class business ethics.


Aug 29, 2005
Reaction score
YellowViperSRT10 you said:

"Even though I am upset from KW i will still think they make great stuff. Unfortunately I did not get to experience it on this car though."

Ironic, you handled this differently. Additionally, I have never met JonB in my life, don't even know what he looks like, just earned my respect (love) or whatever you wish to think. Go back and read my first response and try to imagine what "big time" might refer to.

As far as out of hand, that happened in your first post on this subject. Sorry I didn't make any sense to you, but it really doesn't surprise me. If you wish, we can drop it. Your call.


Jan 25, 2006
Reaction score
YellowViperSRT10 you said:

"Even though I am upset from KW i will still think they make great stuff. Unfortunately I did not get to experience it on this car though."

Ironic, you handled this differently. Additionally, I have never met JonB in my life, don't even know what he looks like, just earned my respect (love) or whatever you wish to think. Go back and read my first response and try to imagine what "big time" might refer to.

As far as out of hand, that happened in your first post on this subject. Sorry I didn't make any sense to you, but it really doesn't surprise me. If you wish, we can drop it. Your call.

I handled the KW situation different since I owned 6 of their kits before and loved them and they are taking care of me, also have very nice people in customer service. Which of course makes it a much easier process.

I think you feel the same way about me as I feel for you. Although I really don't like things to carry on forever since I get board. If you want to continue to play your very mature game feel free to.

On a side note since you appear to think you know more then some people, and like to make fast come back replies, learn how to use the quote button, it will really make your post more clear and save you time copy and pasting my original post.


Jun 9, 2003
Reaction score
all i know is EVERYTIME i call or email JonB, he handles everything fine, always answers my questions perfectly and recently he knew i was only shopping and looking for info and he STILL answered all my dumb and time wasting questions.

jonB will always get my last look on parts.
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