It was great meeting you too, John! I had just bought some dog food for my dog when I see this beautiful blue and white Viper rolling through the parking lot. John came over and jumped out of his car and treated me like an old friend--totally unexpected! You never know who you'll run into on the road.
Also, thanks to all the rest of you for your kind words. I rely completely on word of mouth for my business and business is booming due mainly to support from my friends and customers. THANKS!!
ERDOC, I'll give you a call when I head back East next week.
Bill, sorry I missed you, but my disappointment cleared up real quick when I went to lunch with you-know-who! hahaha!
You are right about fuel prices. When I started doing this last year, diesel cost $1.60 a gallon. I've never raised my rates, but now that I'm paying real close to $3 a gallon, I'm afraid I'll have to bump my rates up a bit.