Man I want one of these!!!
Kenne Bell 3.6L Twin Screw - Muscle Mustangs & Fast Fords Magazine
Sean Roe is toying with the idea to retrofit the new Kenne Bell 2.8H as a replacement/upgrade to the current 2.4 blower. The 2.8H is identical (dimensionally) to the older MX424's that Sean used on his earlier kits. His newer kits (with the different-longer intake on the back) used a shorter MX424 blower. However, this 3.6 blower would be the killer solution...notwithstanding the various clearance issues. Kenne Bell WILL NOT sell me a 2.8H or upgrade my 2.4 to the 2.8 and suggests I go through Sean to get one. Oh well. I can dream can't I ?? Good discussion on how heat impacts the rotor-case design and the impact of the temp differential from inlet to output. Thus the water cooling on the new 3.6. Never really thought about that before. Maybe some of the failures folks have had has been due to front-to-back heat and expansion issues when pushing it really hard for extended periods...
Kenne Bell 3.6L Twin Screw - Muscle Mustangs & Fast Fords Magazine
Sean Roe is toying with the idea to retrofit the new Kenne Bell 2.8H as a replacement/upgrade to the current 2.4 blower. The 2.8H is identical (dimensionally) to the older MX424's that Sean used on his earlier kits. His newer kits (with the different-longer intake on the back) used a shorter MX424 blower. However, this 3.6 blower would be the killer solution...notwithstanding the various clearance issues. Kenne Bell WILL NOT sell me a 2.8H or upgrade my 2.4 to the 2.8 and suggests I go through Sean to get one. Oh well. I can dream can't I ?? Good discussion on how heat impacts the rotor-case design and the impact of the temp differential from inlet to output. Thus the water cooling on the new 3.6. Never really thought about that before. Maybe some of the failures folks have had has been due to front-to-back heat and expansion issues when pushing it really hard for extended periods...