No, no snake bites 
I decided to drive the truck today. Driving along Lake Sammamish this morning, a beautiful, clean, waxed, see-your-nose-hairs-in-the-shine black SRT10 with a wing is following behind me. Sigh.
He punches it as we enter the freeway and begins to use The Force on the green sedan driving slowly in the left-hand lane. Eventually the simple-minded driver succumbs and moves one lane over.
A few moments later a silver SRT10 blasts up the freeway in pursuit, out enjoying their sunny drive to wherever as well.
I drove all this week, but not today - lesson learned!
I decided to drive the truck today. Driving along Lake Sammamish this morning, a beautiful, clean, waxed, see-your-nose-hairs-in-the-shine black SRT10 with a wing is following behind me. Sigh.
He punches it as we enter the freeway and begins to use The Force on the green sedan driving slowly in the left-hand lane. Eventually the simple-minded driver succumbs and moves one lane over.
A few moments later a silver SRT10 blasts up the freeway in pursuit, out enjoying their sunny drive to wherever as well.
I drove all this week, but not today - lesson learned!