This should be the weekend of all weekends for drag racing Vipers at RiverCity in Marion. We are looking forward to a good turnout between Vipers and Vettes. All I ask for is for some of you to take it a little easy on me since I have had to make a few minor changes to the car to try and get this thing down the track. I understand a lot of guys are making a whole lot of power and plan on putting it all down on the track and I wish them well. As much as I would like to be a contender I just dont have enough track time to go to WAR this weekend!!!! Give me some time and watch out next event.........
Good luck everyone and I will see yall at the track!!!!!!!!
Give us a break man. Already cryin about how bad your load is going to run. People don't believe all your crying. Everytime all you do is cry then go lay down the #.
Highdollar is taking the Lou Holtz approach.....make your own odds seem impossible so that the legend grows ten fold when you actually kick *** . Good Psych 301 lesson fellow Ag.
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