When I first bought my '94 I didn't know what the BITE was.
I learned real quick one evening coming around a cloverleaf.
I was going down a right hand turn when I decided to punch it half way around the corner. Everything was going OK until I hit alittle bump, then all of a sudden the back end wipped out to the left. Now I'm going right sideways at I'd guess about 50-60 MPH. Well all my hillbilly driving experience when I was younger paid off, because I managed to straighten it out once I got to the bottom.
I think I had it for about a week when this happened.
I'll never forget the time I took my dad for a ride a couple years ago and shifting out of second and into third, uhm about 100mph we had it going sideways abit. That was fun because I had been driving the car for 5 years by then and you get use to it, but you should have seen the look on my ol mans face.
That's the last time he rode in my '94 RT. Come to think of it, there is a few people that won't ride with me anymore including my wife
