Last spring the Va-Md VCA region was invited to participate in the F-Body/Vette event at MIR, as we had been invited in the past. Unfortunately, unlike in some other regions (ie, NJ), drag racing just doesn't seem to be of much interest to our region's members. We could muster only 5 Vipers to appear for that event last spring, including one non-VCA member and another guy (me) who isn't really into drag racing but attended because it was a club event deserving support. We were not extended an invitation to this year's event. Although our dismal showing last year might have been a factor in our non-invitation, it could have just been an oversight. It appears that in our region, the guys who are into drag racing, like Jamie, Jason and yourself, don't need a club outing to find their way to a dragstrip.
As you know, our region extends from the southwestern tip of Virginia to the northeastern corner of Maryland, a distance of over 500 miles. It is true that most of our events last year and this year have been held in the Washington-Baltimore area, which coincidentally, is where the 3 club officers live. It is very difficult for those of us in that area to coordinate an event in southern Virginia, say the Virginia Beach area. Despite repeated requests for members to coordinate events, (the latest request appearing in our February newsletter) no one from the southern part of our region has stepped up to volunteer. We do expect a good turnout of members in July at Viper Days at VIR in Danville, and Rick Stone (who lives in northern VA) will be hosting an cookout at his beach house in Kinsale in August. An up-to-date schedule of our events is published in each issue of our regional newsletter, and we send out flyers or postcards in advance of most events. Gus Strakes and I have been diligently comparing mail lists to make sure that no one is left unnotified, and I can assure you that every active member has been mailed notification of every event so far this year.
Since you would like to be part of the solution to the paucity of events in southern Virginia, I would like to suggest you commit to coming up with two events anytime between now and the end of the year -- a car show, drag race, cookout, party, cruise-in or even a brunch. You don't have to coordinate them yourself, just find someone else who will. We (your regional officers) will provide all the notification support -- we'll mail out a flyer or postcard to everyone and even put together the flyer, if we get enough lead time. Several years ago, you and Brad King put together a great event in the Va Beach area. Maybe it's time for an encore.
I'll be glad to discuss this in detail with you Saturday at the Crab Feast Cruise.
Ron Hickey