VCA Membership has not changed. Each membership, no matter when you renew during the year, expires on December 31, 2016. We have sent out emails encouraging you to renew early, and the call for membership has been in both of my last to - November and October - e-newsletters. I am sorry if you missed all of my correspondence.
I am sorry about the dropping of the VINs. I just realized this myself, since I only started working with the club last year. This was a system put into place to make sure you, as guessed about above, still owned your Viper. I have since asked our Webmaster to take this feature off, so it will not happen in the future. Since this action can not be reversed, I am as quickly as I can cutting and pasting each and every one of your VINs back into your profiles from a previous membership list. If you don't have immediate access to your VIN, or don't want to mess with it, please call me. It will only take but a minute for me to correct your profile, take your payment information and bring you current.
Also, I am working on a January 2016 e-newsletter. It will be broadcast within the week. Please look out for it. If you do not receive one by 1/15, let me know and I will email it directly to you. Because these are blasts that we send to our members, sometimes they end up in your spam folder and I can't control that.
If anyone has any questions, please email me at
support@viperclub.org, or call 800-677-4321. I am in and out of the office daily, so if you do not reach me right away please leave a voicemail. I will return your call.