I agree with most of what you say. My point was 99% of the people who want to boycott don't even know what they are boycotting. How can someone boycott i.e. Michelin, but chew on a NESTLÉ chocolate bar (pretty sure they are french). It defeats the whole exercise. I am not saying that a boycott doesn't work. I know it does, I just would think that a strategic approach works better than the shotgun approach.
Where I live gas went up to 4,20$ a gallon last year. So a "general" boycott was launched on the gas companies. Let's just say it just didn't work. The effect was too spread out, and the impact was eroded in the price. So they changed their idea to choosing 1 company only, Shell was the target. It took 3 weeks and the prices came back to the regular 3$ per gallon (yup...3$ per gallon). Shell claimed to have lost 1.5 million dollars a day in Quebec. Result was Shell put pressure on the cartel and voilà!
As for the tires...well mine have 200 miles. I'm picking up the Viper tomorrow. Will I last 6 months since this is my first viper? I'll have to wait and see.
Where I live gas went up to 4,20$ a gallon last year. So a "general" boycott was launched on the gas companies. Let's just say it just didn't work. The effect was too spread out, and the impact was eroded in the price. So they changed their idea to choosing 1 company only, Shell was the target. It took 3 weeks and the prices came back to the regular 3$ per gallon (yup...3$ per gallon). Shell claimed to have lost 1.5 million dollars a day in Quebec. Result was Shell put pressure on the cartel and voilà!
As for the tires...well mine have 200 miles. I'm picking up the Viper tomorrow. Will I last 6 months since this is my first viper? I'll have to wait and see.