I recently put together my racing budget for 2003. Figuring the cost of crew and transportation with a 2-car, full size race hauler, fuel, tolls, meals and hotels on the road, as well as all the anticipated car expenses including tires, fuel, pads, rotors, fluids, etc., for 13 races with ViperDays, I find that the cost of the Hoosiers is more than half of the budget. Again, this includes the entire cost of driving a tractor trailer more than 21,000 miles to and from the events.
I would love to use the fastest tire available if we had the choice, but I believe that ViperDays will be running a spec tire. For that reason, I think it will be a win-win situation if we can support Michelin and save money. (By affecting the most expensive part of the racing budget)
Goodyear slicks are faster than Hoosiers, but they're a lot more expensive so I'm glad we're using the Hoosiers now. I do like running on the Hoosiers, but if everyone is using the same tires it's all relative. The feedback so far on the Sport Cup has been favorable, so if they do in fact last a lot longer it would help everyone out quite a bit financially.