Monday we find out who is faster at Laguna Seca, ZR1 or Gen V

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Viper Owner
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Somewhere Back in Time
Re: Corvette Needs the Viper to be at the Top of its Game...

jvp;3135120 ------ [B said:
Further, the tire probably wasn't as big a deal as some would like to believe. [/B] It's clear that both cars pulled enormous Gs. In fact, they were identical. Further, as has been stated numerous times (in the article, in comments, and here) - the brakes just weren't up to the task on the Viper. They faded. If they faded, it means the tires were providing more than enough grip. One might almost say there was more tire than brake in the package, and in this case they'd be right.

If you want your Viper to improve, get better brakes on that puppy. Yes, tires are important, but they weren't the weak link here.



What you wrote makes abolutely no sense whatsoever.

TIRES were the weakest link on the viper for the test. Tires are everything when it comes to racing in RWD cars like the viper!
Brakes are only one of many excuses to make the viper look bad by M/T. If the brakes used on the track pack were the same than the Gen 4 ACR and the car is 100lbs lighter then again brake was not the problem. As we all know braking a lighter car causes LESS stress on the brakes than if this same car was 100lbs heavier like the gen 4 was. Nobody complain about breaking issues when the ACR was breaking records?? Did M/T mention brake fade??
It is NOT brake fade! They simply drove a car with superior braking power on the ZR1 with 10k brakes, so it just brakes better. period. Not hard to understand.

The tires didn't handle the extra 40 hp and 600 ft-lbs of torque so when they were acelerating in/out of a corner with those Garbage pirellis and on the straights the car had less grip and cornering capabilities than if a michelin pilot sport cup was used. Remember, that a better tire also IMPROVES braking because of the extra friction and contact with the patch so the new viper would've benefit HUGE if the tire used was the MPSC.

Tires are true game changers in racing and will win tests and and even championships for the car that wears the better compound.

I am saying this from personal experience and have seen it first hand with my own eyes. I saw the same car knocking off 2 tenths of its own time in a quarter mile race after swithcing from Mickey Thompson to a pair of Hoosiers. That is HUGE and in only 1/4 of a mile. Now imagine in a full lap around laguna seca what the diference would be with the best tires for road racing in the market offered today instead of that freaking italian load of crap called pirelli.

All this I wrote are by no means an excuse, viper lost, Zr1 won and BTW I really like the zr1 and was in the market for one before decided to buy my 10ACR.
What makes me angry is their choice of DOWNGRADING tires in a new vehicle that has more HP/TRQ, lighterweight and had its older brother setting records after records aroubd the world with a PROVEN tire.

Rapid Transit

Dec 21, 2001
Reaction score
Bakersfield, CA
I'm betting that the Corvette Forum isn't as ******* the new Viper as this thread.

You are 100% correct in thinking that way. I'm a Vette owner, and from my experience, the Vette owners are FAR MORE complimentary of Vipers than vice versa. Don't see the reason for it, but Vettes are pretty much routinely dissed on this forum.


Oct 2, 2004
Reaction score
Thanks Plumcrazy, as that comment about communication is absolutely so far from the truth to be ludicrous. We are less than 4000 souls in a relatively small car club, but SRT has invited us to a " Reveal " of the new car, they brought numerous folks to Salt Lake City for VOI to get data on what we wanted on the new car, from color to interiors, to seats, etc. They constantly elicit information from members, go to tons of VCA events to show support and ask more questions, so please name another Automotive group in the US, nee, the World that is so accessible to it's owners? We have succeeded into thinking like so much of this Nation we are entitled. We ask for performance figures it is noted, but we fail to use common sense and realize if we have all this info when we want it , then we disavow a Corporation to get out publicity as they want on their timeline. We ask questions on computer upgrades and modifications , without realizing there are legal issues to encounter ( not to mention that the Gen V is not even out). Folks know about the window regulators and if possible something will be done, but the point is that the more SRT gives to us, the more many feel they are entitled to even more. Time for a little common sense and respect in return for what they have given us as consumers. With affiliations with 9 different manufacturers , no one at our other stores can even comprehend the access I have as just a Viper owner -- the complaint is Franchises are not given even a 1/10th as much information, input, and yes , comraderie as SRT bestows upon us. I also know that the communication from SRT is of the highest level of any manufacturer I have seen in 22 years in the business. I have seen glimmers of correspondence and dialogue from other manufacturers that portend a willingness and eagerness to work with owners and Dealerships, but nothing of the long term committment since the mid 90s that Dodge and now SRT have shown. It is time now to remember how grateful we should be to have a company so willing to not only work with us , but to play also. Time to appreciate and be thankful instead of all this carping --- an attitude of gratitude will continue our superb relationship. This has been as close to family as it gets with a corporation and members of a small, but passionate club, but we need to also realize that though we have been given the keys to the house, there may come a time they decide to kick us out. Sorry for this long outburst, but sometimes I feel many haven't a clue how unbelievably blessed we are to have such a close knit arrangement with Chrysler Corporation.

I couldn't agree with you more. Anyone who has been collecting or building other cars can attest to this unbelievably unique relationship. NO other manufacturer gets as close to it's buyers than Dodge/SRT. Like I said in my other post, it just blows me away that the CEO of the brand is out racing it's product and hanging out with us. I know this means war and SRT is probably loading the cannon as I type. :headbang:


Oct 2, 2004
Reaction score
You are 100% correct in thinking that way. I'm a Vette owner, and from my experience, the Vette owners are FAR MORE complimentary of Vipers than vice versa. Don't see the reason for it, but Vettes are pretty much routinely dissed on this forum.

Their is some truth in your statement, but people are people and every car club has it's insecure tools.


Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
Shavertown, Pa.
Thanks Plumcrazy, as that comment about communication is absolutely so far from the truth to be ludicrous. We are less than 4000 souls in a relatively small car club, but SRT has invited us to a " Reveal " of the new car, they brought numerous folks to Salt Lake City for VOI to get data on what we wanted on the new car, from color to interiors, to seats, etc. They constantly elicit information from members, go to tons of VCA events to show support and ask more questions, so please name another Automotive group in the US, nee, the World that is so accessible to it's owners? We have succeeded into thinking like so much of this Nation we are entitled. We ask for performance figures it is noted, but we fail to use common sense and realize if we have all this info when we want it , then we disavow a Corporation to get out publicity as they want on their timeline. We ask questions on computer upgrades and modifications , without realizing there are legal issues to encounter ( not to mention that the Gen V is not even out). Folks know about the window regulators and if possible something will be done, but the point is that the more SRT gives to us, the more many feel they are entitled to even more. Time for a little common sense and respect in return for what they have given us as consumers. With affiliations with 9 different manufacturers , no one at our other stores can even comprehend the access I have as just a Viper owner -- the complaint is Franchises are not given even a 1/10th as much information, input, and yes , comraderie as SRT bestows upon us. I also know that the communication from SRT is of the highest level of any manufacturer I have seen in 22 years in the business. I have seen glimmers of correspondence and dialogue from other manufacturers that portend a willingness and eagerness to work with owners and Dealerships, but nothing of the long term committment since the mid 90s that Dodge and now SRT have shown. It is time now to remember how grateful we should be to have a company so willing to not only work with us , but to play also. Time to appreciate and be thankful instead of all this carping --- an attitude of gratitude will continue our superb relationship. This has been as close to family as it gets with a corporation and members of a small, but passionate club, but we need to also realize that though we have been given the keys to the house, there may come a time they decide to kick us out. Sorry for this long outburst, but sometimes I feel many haven't a clue how unbelievably blessed we are to have such a close knit arrangement with Chrysler Corporation.

Thanks Bill! You nailed it 110% Right On! Guys like you, and what you represent here are really APPRECIATED in the Viper Nation.

POSITIVE Comments and Gratitude need to be displayed a LOT more here. A little goes a long way when someones expresses their Thankfullness, instead of being negative.

Man, I am really impressed with SRT's Engineering, and all that Ralph has done for the Viper Nation.

The new 2013 Vipers are Jaw Dropping to saw the Least! Awesome Color selection, interior options, track, rims, etc...

And "YES" Billy...Expect my call....we will be talking soon!!! Now...Adrenaline Red or Shadow Blue Pearl, or Stryker Red??????



Dec 18, 2012
Reaction score
Northern VA
sure it does, if you compare magazine numbers and professional drivers. Ask any one who has driven both, and you will be hard pressed to find anyone that prefers the zr1 to the Z06, especially the z06 carbon edition.

I owned and drove a Z06 on the race track for over 3 years. I've plenty of experience in one. The ZR1 in my garage now is far more capable a road car and a track car in every possible way. Come visit the Corvette Forum and you'll find I'm not the only one that thinks that. A number of us have graduated from Z06s to ZR1s...



Dec 20, 2002
Reaction score
Get a grip. You have one negative review on a non-production car and you have every troll, corvette owner (see above post) stirring the ***, and "enthusiast" (who do not own vipers) making comments on this thread. I would not have a corvette. If you are not passionate about this car (I have no problem with constructive criticism) find another website.


May 18, 2001
Reaction score
I would love for it to be just a tire issue. As mentioned 2 secs is well within the range that a tire upgrade can improve on.

I've been thinking. (proof the world is coming to an end lol). If SRT, as Ralph stated, tested the GTS on the Corsa's vs a similarly equipped ZR1 as in MT's test for 2 years and the gap wasn't 2 secs that may say a whole lot. If the Vipers performance on Corsa's was the ZR1's match on its mpsc's in SRT's testing then you know what that means if they were to put an equal tire on the Viper. It does make you wonder why they didn't just put the equivalent of the mpsc and call it a day. This seeming embarrassment wouldn't have happened.

Maybe we should all let our emotions settle a bit and wait and see how this plays out.

Btw doctor it's a public forum. Its not your call on who should br allowed to post. Feel free to put us non owners on ignore if you wish.
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Viper Grenade

Jul 6, 2010
Reaction score
My order is canceled because the Viper isn't a Viper anymore. I have had G1-4 and still have a TT G2.

I have at least 100kmi in vipers. When the real Viper returns wake me up. Until then I'm going to keep the gen 2 as it was the greatest of all.

Viper has never cared about anything but beating the crap out of anything in its path. Nothing else mattered....and to me, that's still all that matters. Until SRT can prove that they can build a car that's not a 911 wanna be, I'm not spending any of my money on them.


Jul 14, 2009
Reaction score
You placed an order for one thinking it was a Viper and canceled it because a magazine told you it wasn't ? Or do you just make large misinformed purchases often ?


Dec 20, 2002
Reaction score
Read my posts please. Do not take it personal. You are on this site (hopefully) as a proponent of the Viper. You are entitled to your opinion. With that said, what are you doing on this site if you do not own one, do not plan on buying one, or are not a true enthusiast of the car? Read Billy P and Bobpantax posts.


May 18, 2001
Reaction score
Hes talking to me. So a true enthusiast only promotes the kumbaya feelings and sticks his head in the sand about any negatives they percieve? What am doing here? Lol. Have you ever been on another car forum for a car you don't own? Anyway your line of reasoning is a bit off. I won't respond anymore to this subject so as to derail the thread any further. You can have the last word on the subject. We'll just have to agree to disagree then.

On topic. I would like to see Farnbacher do a lap of Laguna Seca in that same car on those same Corsa's BEFORE they put stickier rubber on the Viper. I think they sent the car with the wrong rubber for the snake to come out on top but nevertheless a retest is obviously in order.


Dec 15, 2005
Reaction score
I know a National Autocross Champion who has tire tested the Corsas extensively and consistently beaten the Corsas with the Bridgestone RE-11. Anyone in the know knows that the RE-11 is a fast street tire with a 180 tread rating but NOT nearly an R-compound. Corsas have been tested back to back in publications with NT-01's and lost, in some cases by almost a second in 1.3 miles. Laguna is almost a whole mile longer. For reference as I've mentioned before, I've back to back tested MPSC with NT-01 and gotten 1.5 seconds on the same day back to back. Porsche, Ferrari, Lambo and maybe a few others have been running Corsas as factory equipment for years. Do yourself a favor and go search some of the forums for their impressions of them vs other R-comps and you will see what I'm telling you.

Corsas are have the burden of having to maintain decent wet weather grip for an R-Compound. This seriously reduces dry weather grip. Just look at Porsche n1 spec MPSC which are FAR FAR slower than regular MPSC. Soft Compound tires wear fast and would not maintain grooves long enough to channel water when you needed it. So the compound is harder with less contact patch for the added grooves. MPSC have proven to be within an earshot of tires like R6's.

To think that the Viper pulled almost equal G's as the ZR1 with an inferior tire means that the car really is there, the tires are not. For anyone thinking the Gen V was going to blow the ZR1 out of the water, that was a pipe dream and you deserve the disappointment, however, this car truly has arrived. SRT made a mess of the test car with the GTS/Track Pack hybrid, but as for the platform, the car is on point, and the GTS-R proves that. Well balanced street cars make great race cars, and the GTS-R has come along really quickly in an ultra competitive division, starting from scratch. Will take a miracle for the Gen V to beat the ZR1 on Corsas spotting the ZR1 a couple of seconds in tire grip. SRT may be able to go out and turn a lap with someone else, but that will ultimately take away from the validity.

I Bin Therbefor

Jan 12, 2012
Reaction score
Read my posts please. Do not take it personal. You are on this site (hopefully) as a proponent of the Viper. You are entitled to your opinion. With that said, what are you doing on this site if you do not own one, do not plan on buying one, or are not a true enthusiast of the car? Read Billy P and Bobpantax posts.

Your definition of a true enthusiast is facinating. Apparently you've never been to a sporting event and sat with the home team fans. The fans are ALWAYS giving "advice" to the players, managers, coaches and referees on every subject and the results of every performance, even a win. Passion is the mark of a real enthusiast! We want the home team to win every time!!! We want a perfect season with no excuses. The home team didn't win this time and we're P****d. We don't want your advise on our behavior, we want a rematch!!!:headbang: Further, we want the Team Viper to be p****d and choping on the bit for a rematch.


May 18, 2001
Reaction score
Bluestreak, I think you took my post wrong for the most part. Your last paragraph is more to where I was heading with my last two posts.
I've come to the conclusion that Ralph and company tested both cars on their respective tires and they where probably essentially even hence why they sent the car that way. However they miscalculated since Pobst doesn't have the seat time like SRT's drivers so he was unable to match the ZR1's pace in the GTS on Corsa's.

There is no way they would have sent this car knowing there is a 2.1 sec gap. Looking at it objectively now clearly shows, as you said and i alluded to in my second to last post above, the car is there the tire isn't. So maybe it doesn't need CCB's, but it surely needs better tires since its power isn't enough to be dominant. I think maybe after we all calm down and sift through the hard facts we will get a better perspective of the car.

But nothing will make me happier than seeing a GTS with the new LS lap record. Give it the RIGHT tires SRT. As you can see you can't leave magazine drivers, regardless of skill, with the task of pulling out that last 10%. Help them out with the proper tire please so you will avoid a thread like this again. It's hell of a way to wake to 2.1 sec loss.
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Dec 18, 2012
Reaction score
Northern VA
Like heat soak, throttle response.

Let me know when you have extensive experience driving both cars on a road course.

Im only pointing out that you dont know what your are talking about. Youth does have its priveleges.

Ah, I can see what I'm working with here and it ain't much. Let's see if I can talk at a level you'll understand.

Look it up, its out there. Same day tests, real world tests, drivers feedback. Im not doing your work for you mr knowitall.

Interesting. I make a claim based purely on the article at play here, but you call me on it with "facts". And then you refuse to provide me backing to your facts. It sounds to me like you haven't clue 1 what you're talking about.

But I'm game. Let's use your post #431 in this thread as well as the Motor Trend article in question. Ready?

You said
You clearly dont realize that every part of the turn is a function of the tires

Clearly the tires play the biggest mechanical role in a vehicle on the track, but there was more at play here.

We see a small difference in the two cars' braking performance in the instrumented tests. The ZR1 pulled a 91 ft stop, which is eyeball popping. The Viper did it in 93 ft, which is also eyeball popping. Neither is anything to be ashamed of; quite to the contrary they're both fantastic numbers. And they speak to both cars' tires as well as their brakes.

With that, back to your quote on brakes. I claim that the brakes were one of the biggest challenges the Viper faced on the track after a few laps. If the brakes are fading, it means the car can't slow enough to get the grip it needs in the front end for:

What the driver is left with is a car that's plowing because it's moving too fast for turn-in, OR he's braking way earlier so that he can slow down enough for turn-in. But, our friends at Motor Trend said this about turn-in:

Moreover, initial turn-in is faster, and dare I say, more fun in the first ever stand-alone SRT product than in the Chevy.


Back to you:
mid corner stability

I'll give you a big "maybe" here, and that's about all. The reason for my nod to you is that Randy said in the aforementioned article,
"The Viper’s got more understeer and more oversteer than the Corvette."
Tires could be the cause of that. But so could overly stiff sway bars and springs. Having never been in a Gen5 Viper, I can't say for sure. But the writer of the article did note:

the ZR1’s magnetic shocks ride better and provide a more confidence-inspiring experience.

That would lead me to believe that the Viper's suspension is a bit too taught and non-compliant, even though they didn't come right out and say it.

You say:
power down on exit

Let's return to the article where the acceleration of the cars were tested from a stand-still. Nothing can quite brutalize a set of rears like launching from a hole and blasting up to 60MPH or tearing up a quarter mile. In both cases, the cars were identical. 60MPH in 3.4 seconds, and the quarter in 11.4@128MPH. Impressive numbers for both, and it means their tires are working fairly identically WRT acceleration.

You are the one who said it wasnt the tires since they pulled similar g's

I said it wasn't tires because they pulled similar Gs AND the Viper's brakes were overwhelmed on the track. Read the article again.

Also, the Chevy’s massive carbon-ceramic brakes are noticeably more gifted than the Viper’s steelies on the street.

And further:

The other reason I was more confident in the ZR1 was because of those ridiculous brakes. When Markus first drove the new Viper at Western Michigan’s Gingerman racetrack, he wrote that its slotted steel disks “proved indefatigable” but that a “lapping session at Laguna Seca will provide the ultimate fade-test.” If you don’t know, Laguna Seca is hell on brakes. Well, Frankie, they faded some, even with little old me kicking the middle pedal.

More still:

It was the SRT’s inferior shocks and brakes that prevented Randy from going totally flat in the Viper.

I'm not seeing any mention in the article or the tweets between Ralph and "Motor Trend" regarding tires. Perhaps Pirelli and "Motor Trend" are in cahoots?

Again, only pointing out that you, my friend are the one out of your league......

Clearly. Carry on.



Jan 28, 2012
Reaction score
Miami, FL
We as a community have let ourselves devolve to this pointless drivel. "I am cancelling my order". "I am faithful to SRT and standing by my order". "SRT screwed up". "Pobst is afraid of the Viper". Really! We now have non-Viper folks in droves signing up just to post something. We brought this negative attention on ourselves and the Viper Club. One of the reasons I joined this club after having been on many clubs over the years was the level of professionalism and class that I had found to be displayed here and the camraderie of the members. This thread is not a good representation of us as a group. Like the numbers or hate the numbers of the MT test we are better than this. All I can say is I am a little disappointed with the results but I know the Gen V will answer back but I am embarassed by our actions and words here myself included because I fed the troll too.


Oct 3, 2002
Reaction score
Get a grip. You have one negative review on a non-production car and you have every troll, corvette owner (see above post) stirring the ***, and "enthusiast" (who do not own vipers) making comments on this thread. I would not have a corvette. If you are not passionate about this car (I have no problem with constructive criticism) find another website.

Read my posts please. Do not take it personal. You are on this site (hopefully) as a proponent of the Viper. You are entitled to your opinion. With that said, what are you doing on this site if you do not own one, do not plan on buying one, or are not a true enthusiast of the car? Read Billy P and Bobpantax posts.

*** kinda bull$hit is this? Since when was ownership a prerequisite for one to have an opinion?! So the guy owns a Corvette?! It's attitudes like this, that really piss me off about some viper owners! Mr high and mighty, reality check, you drive a DODGE! :rolleyes:


Dec 18, 2012
Reaction score
Northern VA
what are you doing on this site if you do not own one, do not plan on buying one

If ownership of the marquee is required, then discussions would be sorta one-sided here, don't ya think? Same as on the Corvette Forum, the Ferrari Forum, the Porsche Forum, etc, etc. Don't think for a moment that there aren't Viper owners over on the Corvette Forum: folks that have no intentions of ever buying a Vette. They're there to provide a different perspective and perhaps to stir up ****.

I'm not here to stir up ****; my primary reason is that I WANT the Viper to succeed completely. I like it when the Viper is beating my Corvette so that the folks back at GM are encouraged to work harder.

I'd love to attend track events with you guys, assuming you assault Summit Point, etc.

I'll never buy a Viper because it's not the car for me.

Does that make me a troll or a trouble maker?


Vooodoo ACR

Dec 15, 2010
Reaction score
If ownership of the marquee is required, then discussions would be sorta one-sided here, don't ya think? Same as on the Corvette Forum, the Ferrari Forum, the Porsche Forum, etc, etc. Don't think for a moment that there aren't Viper owners over on the Corvette Forum: folks that have no intentions of ever buying a Vette. They're there to provide a different perspective and perhaps to stir up ****.

I'm not here to stir up ****; my primary reason is that I WANT the Viper to succeed completely. I like it when the Viper is beating my Corvette so that the folks back at GM are encouraged to work harder.

I'd love to attend track events with you guys, assuming you assault Summit Point, etc.

I'll never buy a Viper because it's not the car for me.

Does that make me a troll or a trouble maker?


You were no where to be found here when the ACR kicked the ZR1's ass around the Ring. You and the gang were on the vette forum making excuses about how the ACR isn't street legal. Now all of a sudden the ZR1 wins one Motortrend comparo and you're claiming the vette is superior. This is like your fav team just won a pre-season game and you're already claiming a championship victory.


Nov 20, 2012
Reaction score
Wow, seems like early November all over. Too much bickering over a car, if you ask me. This is an open forum and all views should be welcome. I don't have a Viper, but have an order, with a deposit and if I have some trepidation about dropping 150K on a car, why should anyone take that personally. I am quite concerned about this ONE comparo because I was under the impression that this was going to be a monster with the built right here in the USA and with the quality of a european supercar. I have seen the car once, never driven it or sat in it, for that matter. Why should I just take delivery blindly if questions begin to pop up about those things I thought were facts are indeed not facts. Aesthetically, the car's a winner, but I want the whole package to match that and right now I have some uncertainties. Every comment I have made is my opinion, period. I'm just weighing in and trying to get a feel from fellow Viper enthusiasts. I do believe that Ralph is passionate about this car and in the end, it will be an amazing car to reckon with. Will that be with our first deliveries? That's my question!!


Aug 1, 2009
Reaction score
NW Jersey
What he said but I think the new Viper is obviously already an amazing car to be reckoned with.

Wow, seems like early November all over. Too much bickering over a car, if you ask me. This is an open forum and all views should be welcome. I don't have a Viper, but have an order, with a deposit and if I have some trepidation about dropping 150K on a car, why should anyone take that personally. I am quite concerned about this ONE comparo because I was under the impression that this was going to be a monster with the built right here in the USA and with the quality of a european supercar. I have seen the car once, never driven it or sat in it, for that matter. Why should I just take delivery blindly if questions begin to pop up about those things I thought were facts are indeed not facts. Aesthetically, the car's a winner, but I want the whole package to match that and right now I have some uncertainties. Every comment I have made is my opinion, period. I'm just weighing in and trying to get a feel from fellow Viper enthusiasts. I do believe that Ralph is passionate about this car and in the end, it will be an amazing car to reckon with. Will that be with our first deliveries? That's my question!!


May 12, 2012
Reaction score
You were no where to be found here when the ACR kicked the ZR1's ass around the Ring. You and the gang were on the vette forum making excuses about how the ACR isn't street legal. Now all of a sudden the ZR1 wins one Motortrend comparo and you're claiming the vette is superior. This is like your fav team just won a pre-season game and you're already claiming a championship victory.

Wait just a minute here; who is making excuses?

There are 16+ pages of excuses on this thread ranging from tires, to driver abilities to pre-production foibles...

*** calling the kettle black?

Plain and simple, the SRT lost this battle... however both are exceptional vehicles.

I for one am disappointed and hoped/expected that the SRT would perform better than a car based upon an 8 year old platform.

Of note is the fact that these cars are on sale with no official performance numbers from SRT!?!? :crazy2:

Vooodoo ACR

Dec 15, 2010
Reaction score
Wait just a minute here; who is making excuses?

There are 16+ pages of excuses on this thread ranging from tires, to driver abilities to pre-production foibles...

*** calling the kettle black?

Plain and simple, the SRT lost this battle... however both are exceptional vehicles.

I for one am disappointed and hoped/expected that the SRT would perform better than a car based upon an 8 year old platform.

Of note is the fact that these cars are on sale with no official performance numbers from SRT!?!? :crazy2:

Yes, and there are multiple long threads on the vette forum full of nothing but excuses whenever the Viper gets the best of the ZR1. My point was, there hasn't been enough tests with the Gen V yet to determine exactly how well it performs.


Jan 30, 2006
Reaction score
Northern NJ
I didn't read every post but saw this identical thread on the corvette forum and here.

I just wanted to stop by and let you viper guys know even after three new corvettes I still admire the stunning viper.

It's a great car. Ralph Gilles rocks! And his passion is to be admired for what he has brought enthusiasts.

One track, one test, it's no big deal. And I'm a vette guy who pays cash for his new cars and I prefer corvettes....

Still the fact that the wild and beautiful viper is stunning and I'm glad it exists.

My good friend owns a beautiful 2004 red viper and it's a great car.

Have fun and rest assured there will be future tests where the viper wins..

My suggestion is not to get too caught up on one test....

Happy holidays and enjoy!
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Oct 2, 2004
Reaction score
Just an FYI, official numbers have been listed by SRT for a few weeks.
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