Hmmm, sounds like an ALMS race.
I'm not surprised the ZR1 beat it, perf is awesome and it's well sorted. I am disappointed in the 2+ sec delta, that's absolutely huge, no dismissing it. There are a lot of high dollar super cars behind the Gen5's time and that's a real victory. I'm stoked two see two top nut-swinging super cars posting awesome times with red, white & blue blood in their veins. Am I disappointed it lost to the ZR1, no, am I disappointed though in the 2+ secs, yea, I don't know how you couldn't be, honestly. I think SRT is trying an 'any press is good press approach' and I don't think it's a good thing.
PS_ as for the interior statements by them, someone's on crack, having driven the gen5 and having sat in the GTS, the interior is stupid nice, too nice for me as far as I"m concerned, but to report it as anything but, is just misinformation plain & simple.