Can you imagine the joy of interfacing with all the government agencies to build a car?
I think it is ironic that We paid for the roads and the government acts like they own the roads.
But then, they decided a long time ago, we shouldn't own our cars anyway.... (research meaning of MSO)
What might be interesting would be to turn the Viper into a Kit Car where you buy all the components. In fact, there could be 2 part assemblies: 1) Rolling Chassis, and 2) Viper Engine. This would allow real men to buy the chassis and put a Falconer in it (!)
Frankly, there is less and less eco system for the Viper due to infringing Class Warfare and Police State. Like the Spotted Owl, its habitat is drying up and soon will go the way of the behemoth.
Some meaningful comments now:
1) Some Russian Rich Guy bought TVR. I would think that Viper would be even more attractive to Russian Mafia types!
2) The Studebaker Avanti is still being made. It evolved from private party ownership which continued the actual Studebaker car w/Chevy engine (some mods to car but that is irrelevant.) It changed ownership many times, but still survived. Currently it is bilt on an LS1 Camaro chasis/drive train with all new body design. Its completely different but still looks like Avanti.