Jerz Viper
Today Feb 7, 2008 at 12:15 pm my new baby arrived
from "The House of Wood"
That's Woodhouses own Joe Gibbs pulling that bad boy out onto the streets of Jersey
OK Joe you've done a great job....I've got her from here buddy
I want to thank Tom & Lori Roeller who came down to support me today! They are true friends!
Unfortunately the picture we took together never took
But Thanks for coming Buddy
Now the story of how this car became mine.
I originally ordered the car here in NJ, but the car I ordered had silver stipes. Around Thanksgiving I found out that the car was in "BG" status
. That was on a Thursday, that night I started a thread questioning BG status, and a bunch of you here filled me in on the process by Friday night. Now I was depressed, I ordered the car on the first day the dealers were accepting orders, and here I am with a very good chance of not getting the car.
Ring,Ring,Ring went my cell phone on Saturday morning
I picked up the phone and on the other end was the King of Viper sales himself
(anyone who knows him, knows this hat fits him better) my friend Mr. Bill Pemberton
Mr. P informed me that he just happened to have one coming in that was ordered by a gentleman in his neck of the woods, but could not take the car. Soooo Bobby, do you want this bad boy?
WOW! I didn't know what to say, I was totally caught off guard. Then there was the black stripe issue..........
YES, I'll take it!
Through the entire process the "Woodhouse Family" was great! From Mark to Kevin to Joe, even Bill was great!
I just want our VCA family to know that these folks really do give a sh$# and are true professionals and really are an important part of the VCA family.
So from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU Bill Pemberton and the Woodhouse Family!!!!!!

That's Woodhouses own Joe Gibbs pulling that bad boy out onto the streets of Jersey

OK Joe you've done a great job....I've got her from here buddy

I want to thank Tom & Lori Roeller who came down to support me today! They are true friends!
Unfortunately the picture we took together never took
But Thanks for coming Buddy

Now the story of how this car became mine.
I originally ordered the car here in NJ, but the car I ordered had silver stipes. Around Thanksgiving I found out that the car was in "BG" status
Ring,Ring,Ring went my cell phone on Saturday morning

I picked up the phone and on the other end was the King of Viper sales himself

Mr. P informed me that he just happened to have one coming in that was ordered by a gentleman in his neck of the woods, but could not take the car. Soooo Bobby, do you want this bad boy?
WOW! I didn't know what to say, I was totally caught off guard. Then there was the black stripe issue..........
YES, I'll take it!
Through the entire process the "Woodhouse Family" was great! From Mark to Kevin to Joe, even Bill was great!
I just want our VCA family to know that these folks really do give a sh$# and are true professionals and really are an important part of the VCA family.
So from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU Bill Pemberton and the Woodhouse Family!!!!!!