Nice piece of revisionist history.
You got the year right and the dealer I bought the car from right, but after that its pretty much standard SVS. Few facts, and bad business.
The car ran fine, made 520RW and I brought it in to you guys to see if you could help me get through motor vehicle inspection. Nothhin more. From there it was all downhill.
You allege many things that simply aren't true. I still have the trans that you claim was beat and it works fine. The piggyback was working fine - you guys didn't understand it so you broke it apart to see what it was.....rendering it pretty useless. You did return the broken parts in a box for which I'm forever grateful. It would have been much nicer to get my cam orUnitrax back but that was apparently asking too much.
You also assert that I directed the engine build. Jr. even you're not that stupid. I would take my car to SVS to get it through inspection and advocate pulling the engine, and then direct the build with a third-party shop? C'mon.
You say I delivered a cam to the builder? Please check the facts. Your Dad spec'd the cam. Most likely it was a mispurchased cam he had on the shelf and found a "home" for. One can't be certain of this but I can tell you I tried to get the specs on the cam you guys put in there for months and SVS wouldn't provide them. I eventually succeeded by getting your office assistant to fax them to me when neither "Ron" was around! I have the fax, sir.
You suggest that I directed Ted (your engine machinist/assembler) on the rebuild. I met Ted once. Your Dad drove me over to the shop so I could see a pair of heads he wanted me to see. Whether or not they were from my car, only Sr. and Ted know. Directing the rebuild? Who are you kidding? Besides, if i was directing the rebuild, why would I need SVS....because you're such cost effective and thorough wrenches?
I currently run the stock fuel system and make 555/585. The same fuel system you suggest was causing me difficulty at 400. I'm guessing that in reailty the fuel system wasn't what was limiting me to 400. Perhaps you disagree?
Your revisionist history is insulting. Sr mishandled the customer, Jr was a bystander. A few yesars later Jr becomes the expert on the account. Draw your own conclusions folks. Maybe we can ask Jimmy?
Lastly, I notice you didn't bother to refute any of the information about billing for parts not installed, installing lifters incorrectly, misassembling clutches and half shafts (even after spending 30 hours to do so!).
We'll just go a few more rounds with pix of bills and other assorted paperwork I retained from the experience and let folks judge for themselves.