I read the advice link posted by CitySnake about tickets and and couldn't disagree more!
Here's my take on tickets and Speed tax:
Police departments give tickets not because you are breaking the law, they give tickets because it makes them money. The way to fight back is not being grateful for deferred judification and quietly handing over your cash because you feel happy that the ticket didn't go on your record. What you are trying to do is make sure that the police department loses money on the ticket that they are writing you.
It's called negative reinforcement.
The way you do this is to waste as much of the cop's time as possible while he is giving you the ticket.
Number one, take as long as possible to pull over as you can. If you are nabbed for speeding on the freeway and the cop comes up behind you in the fast lane, carefully check your mirrors, put on your indicator and change ONE lane. Turn your indicator back off. Look in amazement in your review mirror, that the cop is STILL behind you with his lights flashing. You're innocent aren't you? Now check your mirror again, put on your indicator. If you are lucky there is traffic in the lane next to you, so you can drive quite a distance before it's safe to change lanes again. Repeat the procedure. I did this to a motorcycle cop on 635 in Garland traveling west. I'm sure you all know about the speed traps there. It was at least 5 miles from where he lasered me before he actually had me pulled over. Remember, when you do pull onto the median, slow down very slowly. There's lots of gravel there, you'd hate to lock up your brakes! I like to see just how far my car will coast.
Now you've got the cop five miles from his speed trap location, after he's done with you he's going to have to drive quite a distance before he can pull someone else over.
This also gives you some time to start thinking about your story.
Next step, the cop comes to your window, and asks you for your license and registration. Pull out your wallet slowly, and start fumbling with it, then ask the cop "Are you going to give me a ticket?"- You haven't given the cop your license yet, when you start talking, stop looking for the license, place the wallet in your lap. You've got the cop on the defensive, and because you have something he needs, you have the power here. And remember this is a game, you are trying to waste his time- The state is going to lose money on this ticket. He was hoping you had read one of those phony articles that says just be helpful and polite. WRONG!
Cops get very defensive when you ask them if they are going to give you a ticket. Also remember once you hand him your license, the games over, he's going to walk back to his car and write you a ticket. If you had any valid excuses you're not going to get a chance to make them. When asked if he's going to give you a ticket, the cop is caught off guard and usually tries to say something lame about how fast you were going, and then he tries to trick you into admitting your guilt. NEVER NEVER NEVER admit any wrong doing. If he asks you how fast you think you were going, tell him, with a very humble and honest smile "Well Officer I was just going with the flow of the traffic." and follow up with your own question "How fast was the flow of the traffic?" Also if he immediately asks you if you know why he pulled you over, a great response is "Well I'm SURE I'm GUILTY of SOMETHING!" (Not spending enough time with your kids, filing your taxes late- We're all guilty of something!) If you were the only one around, this is a pretty funny joke. If the cop laughs, this is a sign that you might just get away this time with a warning. What I've found is that the more time you spend talking and joking with the cop the harder it becomes for him to give you a ticket.
The cop is in a very vulnerable situation before you have given him your license, and before he's had a chance to ask you why you were speeding. So when you ask him "Are you going to give me a ticket" the fact is if he is doing his job correctly, he doesn't know- It depends on the circumstances. If you are a doctor racing to the hospital for an emergency, then he's not going to give you a ticket- but he doesn't want to have to explain this. Draw the conversation out, and when ever you are talking, stop looking for your license. Be prepared: don't keep you license so it is readily accessible in your wallet- Keep it hidden- You can then spend a long time looking for it while you are drawing him into conversation wasting his time.
OK- so now you've driven down the road five miles, you've wasted an other 5 minuets getting him your license. Unfortunately your charm hasn't worked, and he's not just going to give you a warning. He gets your license and off to his car he goes to write you a ticket- He was going to do this anyway. So far we are at ten minutes, and the fun is just beginning.
He's going to come back to your window and he's going to have this nice ticket all filled out, now he's vulnerable again because he needs your signature.
He's going to hand you the ticket and he's going to tell you to sign it. Ask very politely if he minds if you read what you are signing first. Now he can't deny you this. The problem that I have, you know, when I'm really nervous is that my reading skills go to the first grade level, and well there's a LOT of writing on these tickets. Take your time. It's your right to read anything before you sign it. In fact it's the law. There's lots of confusing writing on the back too! You can also tell him that you're confused about what you're signing, and ask him what your signature means... When he explains this, look like you're trying really hard to understand what this means, but your just so confused. You didn't think you were doing anything wrong? Why do you have to sign the ticket? There's a real power play going on here- You have His ticket book, and you have something he needs- Your signature. It's also really good to ask him what happens if you don't sign it. Now you are playing liars poker. With any luck you've maybe wasted 30 minutes by now, and the officer is kind of regretting having pulled you over, maybe wishing he had just given you a verbal warning. With the time wasted you've probably saved at least two other people from getting tickets. Usually when I ask what will happen if I don't sign the ticket they say something about hauling me off to jail and impounding my car. I then really start thinking about whether I'm going to let him do this... I ask when will I see the judge... I always push this little exchange to the limit. Every minute is costing the state at least $1.00. Right when he is at the limit of losing his patients, I give in and sign.
If you played this right you can feel really good about this ticket. The state has probably already lost money considering the cost of the cops time, plus he's been preoccupied with you instead of writing other tickets. And he's going to have to drive back five miles to his speed trap.
I usually then sit in my car for an other ten or more minute, pretending to read the ticket. The cop will usually always sit there behind you dreaming about eating donuts... But importantly you're still wasting his time. They NEVER want to leave first... I don't know what that's about.
So now you've got this ticket, and if you're like me you're feeling really good about the negative feedback you are giving them, but the fun is just beginning. Cops need to learn to just issue warnings. It's your job to train them.
The next thing you do is plead not guilty and request a trial by jury.
If anyone requests I'll posts my trial by jury tips- I've beat them 3 for 3 so far.
It cracks my up when I think about how much money the government is losing when they write me tickets. If everyone was this civil minded, the cop's would stop issuing tickets, and would get to work catching real criminals instead of perpetrators of victimless crimes.