Skip White
I have decided to offer a select choice of upgrades for the Viper, focusing mainly on the SRT. I'm concentrating on area's such as efficiency, and improving drivability, loosing little as possible when up grading the car.
By this, I mean a great amount of time will be taken in deciding what it is about a particular modification that makes it stand out above all of the other brands/types that are out there, and what are the true pros and cons to this up-grade. I will offer only those items that have passed my test of approval, which is a very hard test to pass. (Consideration of quality, function, cost, loss of drivability, etc.
My own SRT will be used for R/D, most all the time. I'm on my eighth Viper, and have done many upgrades to them. However, the problem that I see in the area of ugrading the Viper, is that some people are spending large amounts of money, and not getting what they should. In other words, many of the upgrades out there are not best suited for the individual buying them.
So many people out there don't really know where to start with their car, and if they haven't researched this fully, I believe this is where I could help them.
My web site will be up and going by Wednesday, and it will better outline my mode of operation.
Prices will be unbeatable, that's for sure. Free enterprise is a great thing;
I'm very outspoken in certain areas of car modification. Ya get that way after years of wasting money, and people taking advantage of your lack of knowledge.
I'll tell ya in a heartbeat what I think of a certain product, be it good or bad.
Proffit is not formost with me, That's sure to come down the road.
Give me some feed back as to what's on everyones mind. I'm clueless as to what those reading this are thinking. I'm lousy at presentations.
Skip White
By this, I mean a great amount of time will be taken in deciding what it is about a particular modification that makes it stand out above all of the other brands/types that are out there, and what are the true pros and cons to this up-grade. I will offer only those items that have passed my test of approval, which is a very hard test to pass. (Consideration of quality, function, cost, loss of drivability, etc.
My own SRT will be used for R/D, most all the time. I'm on my eighth Viper, and have done many upgrades to them. However, the problem that I see in the area of ugrading the Viper, is that some people are spending large amounts of money, and not getting what they should. In other words, many of the upgrades out there are not best suited for the individual buying them.
So many people out there don't really know where to start with their car, and if they haven't researched this fully, I believe this is where I could help them.
My web site will be up and going by Wednesday, and it will better outline my mode of operation.
Prices will be unbeatable, that's for sure. Free enterprise is a great thing;
I'm very outspoken in certain areas of car modification. Ya get that way after years of wasting money, and people taking advantage of your lack of knowledge.
I'll tell ya in a heartbeat what I think of a certain product, be it good or bad.
Proffit is not formost with me, That's sure to come down the road.
Give me some feed back as to what's on everyones mind. I'm clueless as to what those reading this are thinking. I'm lousy at presentations.
Skip White