My guess? It\'s a sellers market coming up...
If you haven't noticed, there are more and more people "looking to buy" or "just bought" Vipers here on the boards of late. Great stuff! Well, I went down to the local dragstrip today and was really surprised. Sure, the 121 mph trap speeds (on a greasy track where I couldn't break a 2.05 60' time) were a nice surprise, but what really was amazing was the other drivers: The Corvette guy I liked to pick on last year? Driving a '99 GTS in black/silver (he said he had been asked if he was "Chris Marshall" about a dozen times in the last month). My favorite Supra guy? Looking to pick up a Viper this spring and make VOI 7. His other friend with a Supra? Same deal. Then a kid (well, early 20's - a 'kid' to us in our late 30's), came up and said his dad was desperately trying to find a used Viper around here, but the only one for sale was snapped up (the same '99 the Corvette guy bought). Another guy came up after that and asked where he could find a Viper. I scribbled down Bill Pemberton's name and number on several of my own business cards, since that cheap Nebraskanite won't send me any of his. To me, that is a sign the economy is picking back up (except for Pemberton's stinginess). And a sign that it may once again become a seller's market for Vipers.
Of course, the down side is that now the dang Viper is just SO common: I had only seen four on the road in the past two years (besides VCA events). Yesterday I saw a red GTS with tinted windows (southbound Highway 69 near Stanley) and then a black RT/10 (eastbound 135th Street & Antioch) on the very same day! Then on my way to the track today I see a yellow RT/10 (westbound 350 Highway in Raytown). What are the odds in this little podunk town? Oh, and I only saw 35 Corvettes in that same timeframe...
Seriously, I was surprised to see the first Viper, shocked to see a second one on the very same day (and nobody I recognized from the local VCA), and downright disbelieving to see the third one the very next day. Guess I better get a McLaren now. Anybody care to give me a small loan - say a million or so?
If you haven't noticed, there are more and more people "looking to buy" or "just bought" Vipers here on the boards of late. Great stuff! Well, I went down to the local dragstrip today and was really surprised. Sure, the 121 mph trap speeds (on a greasy track where I couldn't break a 2.05 60' time) were a nice surprise, but what really was amazing was the other drivers: The Corvette guy I liked to pick on last year? Driving a '99 GTS in black/silver (he said he had been asked if he was "Chris Marshall" about a dozen times in the last month). My favorite Supra guy? Looking to pick up a Viper this spring and make VOI 7. His other friend with a Supra? Same deal. Then a kid (well, early 20's - a 'kid' to us in our late 30's), came up and said his dad was desperately trying to find a used Viper around here, but the only one for sale was snapped up (the same '99 the Corvette guy bought). Another guy came up after that and asked where he could find a Viper. I scribbled down Bill Pemberton's name and number on several of my own business cards, since that cheap Nebraskanite won't send me any of his. To me, that is a sign the economy is picking back up (except for Pemberton's stinginess). And a sign that it may once again become a seller's market for Vipers.
Of course, the down side is that now the dang Viper is just SO common: I had only seen four on the road in the past two years (besides VCA events). Yesterday I saw a red GTS with tinted windows (southbound Highway 69 near Stanley) and then a black RT/10 (eastbound 135th Street & Antioch) on the very same day! Then on my way to the track today I see a yellow RT/10 (westbound 350 Highway in Raytown). What are the odds in this little podunk town? Oh, and I only saw 35 Corvettes in that same timeframe...
