Not to pick a fight, but I have to agree with some, that all drag threads always turn into a Viper vs Z06 debate. Why always the Z06? Why not have people jump on here and say "That's great Speed, but the LP-560 is faster." or "Ya but it will never be as fast as my GT-R."
Why always the Z06? And why is everyone so sore about it? And no I don't believe the origin or price point matters in the debate, as one looks as common as a Mustang(albeit a very fast Mustang), and the other is more rare(looking).
Again it always seems as though the same people drop in with the same stories(true or not),and again I'm not vested. I am now reserved to believe that some people like to argue, and will feel better about themselves if they feel they've annoyed someone they will never meet. As the old saying goes, "Everyone's a tough guy on the phone." I guess the same could be said about forums now.
Personally I don't come on here to argue, if I were looking to pick a fight I'd pick one with someone a lot closer to me. But then again, I think that separates the men from the boys.
Sorry, I'll get off my soapbox now.