If you follow the schematic that I have... The Roe unit cannot operate unless the vehicle has no oil pressure (or a defectice pressure switch at least). Typically though, zero oil pressure = engine off. From there, it will upon the sensing of the Roe thermostat turn the fan on and off. Based on their wiring plan, it will operate the fan on low speed only as the connection point is directly to the fan wiring past the hi-lo relay.
Speaking of the hi-lo relay there are 2 relay controls for the Gen 2 cooling fan. They function with the engine *on* as controlled by the PCM. One relay is the on-off relay and simply turns the fan on or off based on thermostat input to the PCM. The second relay is the hi-lo relay and it decides hi or lo. Once again based on PCM / thermostat. These 2 relays are in series and either one malfunctioning or blown can prevent the fan from running. The hi-lo relay does default to lo speed though, so if it burns out the relay coil your fan can still operate on lo if the on-off relay is working.
These 2 systems - the Roe and the factory cooling - do not cross over in operation, unless you get carried away like I do and build your own fan and control system like in my wiring diagram.