Hi Tom,
Notice in my post that I said the Balengers are a good header and I did not "promote" the Borla brand, only compared mild steel to stainless steel. I actually do tell people that if they want the most horsepower from a header, that the Balenger makes the most (I don't know anything about the ****** or CDI's yet). People who have called me and asked about headers can attest to this. Neither you or I actually make the headers, we just distribute them, so we have little "personal pride" at stake regarding this product.
Fact is, stainless steel tubing is better quality than mild steel tubing and it will last a lifetime. This applies to all brands of stainless steel headers, be they HMS, CDI, SVS, B&B or Borla Viper headers. Mild steel tubing headers will last a lifetime if you get them recoated every few years. I've owned many sets of ceramic coated headers and exhaust on street cars and racecars. Unless the physical properties of mild steel tubing have changed, eventually they will rust and deteriorate. Use a stainless steel header and a mild steel tubing header for a year regularly, take them off the cars and put them in a field for a year. The stainless will still look the same, the mild steel will not.
If you can sell the Balengers within $500 of our prices on the Borla system, more power to you brother! That's what the VCA members need. I would be happy to hear of it. Even at that point, the manufacturer and distributor will still be making a significant amount of money on a mild steel tubing product. Borla's Viper headers retail at $1889.99, jobber is $1417.49, we sell them at $1,199.00 to VCA members. Do you think I'm selling them at that price to make money, or because I believe they're a great value for the money and the others are all priced too high? If you and the other Balenger dealers priced the mild steel tube headers anywhere near the prices I offer (they should be the same or slightly less), you'd capture most all the Viper header market. If you did that, I'd stop selling Borla headers for the Viper. But, until then, I'm going to keep selling the Borla headers for $1,600 less and offering gains within a few HP on a dyno graph to keep the pressure on you and the other header dealers.
Regarding my GTS getting beat by another GTS with Balenger headers, I doubt that will happen because of the headers. It's been 17 years since I drag raced at a track and if you and I switched cars, you'd probably still beat me because of your drag race experience. I don't drive around on the street at full throttle and drag race other Vipers, so I'm just not worried about the couple HP difference on a dyno graph.
Congrats on the new baby. Make sure you stay safe when street racing.