What's with all the internet bullies on here? Don't criticize until you can do better yourself.
Most people on this site don't know squat about cars let alone the process it takes to build the parts that he is WHILE running an international business and raising a family. I'm sure Austin probably can't even chew and think at the same time. It doesn't take a lot to have money and let everyone do all the development and testing for you to just park your toy in the garage and drive it in the slow lane because your dick hides in your stomach every time the tires chirp.
I've had experience with MULTIPLE shops that modifying cars is their livelihood. That's their sole income to put dinner on the table and they miss 90% of their completion dates. My z06 took 6 MONTHS to have its custom engine build and tuned. My Supra took 3 months to have a fuel system installed. It took 2 week to have hood pins installed on viper. It took 5 months to have my z06 painted. I could go on and on! So now I do everything I can on my own. Here you guys are ******** about something custom that NO ONE else makes and your car can run without. Look up how long it took for Lexus to develop the LFA!! Building cars is their industry and they even delay their cars!!
It's pretty pathetic to sit here and watch people ridicule a man that does more for other people and this community than the person ******** who should probably own a Prius. I will forever be thankful to the individuals who helped finish my car but there's some serious D-bags on this site that ruin the car communities reputation. It's pretty pathetic!
Austin, no one owes you anything and you're not special no matter how much that ****** tells you otherwise.
This is such a laughable post. First of all, no one is bullying anyone. You must be a sandy Lib. Secondly, Steve nor anyone else here owes me anything, you're right, however, Steve (and other vendors) do owe the community info and time when trying to establish credit amongst the purchasing customers/community. Im a huge believer in doing something you say youre going to do. Slack on that and your credit with me is out the window.
And one thing... Hows that pin hood?