These might interest you. This one is your closest one.
Viper Club of New England
Viper Club of America
Viper Club of New Jersey
NJ Viper Club
Your best bang for the money from Delaware is to join
the MD/VA Region - especially if you're south of the canal.
The NJ Region holds most of their events north of Trenton
(which is logical because thats where most of the members
and tracks are) plus the traffic and roads are a contrast to
what you are living with now.
Also I host a Viper and Cobra group called Delmarva Vipers
which I try to tailor to the local folks - its not affiliated with
the VCA, but I try very hard to make sure our events don't
conflict. Whichever way you chose to go you should have
plenty to keep you busy once the weather warms up some.
Welcome to the addiction!