Yes I live in a "small world" if you don't consider the Internet and it's global village effect to count. Working and commuting from San Diego to LA regularly I am only seeing a fraction of the worlds cars on the road. With that being said these cities are home to many exclusive tuners, enthusiasts, and a higher amount of vehicles per capita than most places on Earth. So I will again repeat and chime in for your further understanding. I by know means think I superior for living in SoCal, I am simply stating that the look the poster has chosen to represent his fine car is unique and refreshing even in an area with more automotive diversity than just about anywhere in the world (with the exception of a few looks that have played out way too much).
Now since you have trouble reading feel free to reread my original post. I stated that I liked the posters wheels but I would have preferred two other styles over the ones displayed in this thread. In my second post I stated that this look is similar to what I have been seeing on F-cars and Lambo's in my "small" 10 million or so populated "world". And because I am an enthusiast of foreign exotics along with high displacement domestics I am pleased to see the marriage of various schools of automotive thought being brought to one of my favorite vehicles, the SRT-10. With that being said, for me personally the look is not my first choice even on the F-cars and Lambos I supposedly "drool" over but still looks amazing and better than the black on chrome look, IMO.
Feel free to post more immature comments or if this is not your intention and it is more of a language barrier issue disregard this comment.