Tastefully. lololol. Hey Bobby, remember the first year? Some people cheered, and some people got mad as we drove through the streets and around the site while I was leading, playing America The Beutiful by Ray Charles? I think this will be the third year, right?
Think maybe we should have a new angle this year? Last year we donated money to that family? It would be nice to think of something respectful to do or have, instead of just being seen as a bunch of guys driving around in cars. I think the only thing that really gave us credability the first year was the flag waving. Nobody could say or argue with us then and the Cops loved it.
How about EVERY car has a flag? That's the problem now-a-days, 5 years later, nobody drives around with flags anymore. Remember you couldn't buy one anywhere? All sold out? If we had 20 or so cars, all with american flags, or better yet, I know !!!!!!!!!!! There are flags for everything now. There must be a flag for the P.D., or some sort of banner. Same for the FD. WE mix them all up! Could you imagine all of us driving down there, some with American flags, some with Flags supporting the PDNY, FDNY, Port Authority, EMS ??? Is there anyone in our club who can get these things made up quick, or just go to the local FD, or PD. Tell them what we want to do and see if they have anything the'll let us use for the day.
On our first trip down, 3 years ago, if you ask me it was my last minute rigged up flag that got us noticed and showed that we were respectful of the day. SO why not build on that and we use the flag idea, expand on it and everyone has some sort of flag on their car supporting and respecting the day. Ever go to a NASCAR race? Everyone in the feild of parking has a flag that supports thier team or driver. SO this is the same idea, only we support the various departments who sacrificed themselves that day.
I'm sure we won't ever have any problem with a police ****** police again.
I'd like a flag of a picture of the original WTC; The view from the Satue of Liberty that we are all familiar with.
So here is a potential list:
American Flag
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
Pic of WTC
Statue of Liberty
West Point might be able to help out with the above three. I could take a run up there and talk to someone.
Talk to me guys !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Add to the list.