After looking around the forums,I have noticed there are no where near as many Members out there but alot of Enthusiasts......... 

theres been a software update Baz, anyone who isnt actually a paid up VCA member has been
altered, automatically to Enthusiast well as those that used to have the "Viper Owner" designation.
I think they got rid of "owner" status.
They still should have owner status since many are out of range of race tracks or any gatherings and can't fully enjoy the benefits. Now if the next VOI would come to Rochester, NY then I would renew ASAP. I can still dream.I think they got rid of "owner" status.
I dont know whats up. I emailed a mod my 08 Vin# days ago but still not upgraded to owner yet. I need to pay my dues and get my VCA membership again i guess.
"We take care of our members" And members stick together.........
The way it should be...
"We take care of our members" And members stick together.........
The way it should be...
you'd have met them regardless if you wanted to
Gee Dave, that's kind of a bitter commentary on clubs and friends. Yes, you can do it for free but you probably waste more money than that every year. I've only had a car for a year but in the TN/ALA club, it's been worth the money and I probably would not have met that many Viper owners any other way.
Membership in the VCA hasn't dropped. In fact, it's the highest it's ever been based on the renewals as of Feb/Mar.
I am trained in statistics. Makes reading the news or listening to the average politician nauseating. I challenge you to provide a weighted membership report. Number of members as a percentage of current car owners. Provide 20 data points, the minimum that is statistically a trend by statistical definitions. If the club has not been in existance that long then use the life of the club as the defining length of the survey.