Viper Wizard
I'll be just North of 84 on the Taconic in the old gas station [center island] @ 0930.
I'm in (+1), rain or shine.
>>Maybe CT and NE Vipers can meet us somewhere safe on the shoulder of the Taconic just north of that entrance ramp leading from RT 84 onto the Taconic at around 10AM
I'm coming from Danbury, CT so the Taconic seems like the easiest spot for me to meetup. So am I the only New Englander that will be pulled over to the shoulder just after getting onto the Taconic from I-84W?
Would be nice to know I won't be the lone Viper sitting on the side of the highway. Anyone?
i think chuck tator might be there..not sure call him...
I'll be just North of 84 on the Taconic in the old gas station [center island] @ 0930.