The ultimate club gathering/party ofthe year is approaching. You don't want to miss this event !
Reservations are now being accepted for the club's
This years galawill be held at the picturesque, Doral Arrowwood. www.doralarrowwood.com
A 473,000 square foot resort property,located on 114 acres of rolling hills in the serene WestchesterCounty enclave of Rye Brook, NY.The ultimate club gathering/party ofthe year is approaching. You don't want to miss this event !
Reservations are now being accepted for the club's
This years galawill be held at the picturesque, Doral Arrowwood. www.doralarrowwood.com
This years event will stay true to form, with a repeat of what made last years party such a talked about success
- Cocktails - Fine Dining - DJ/Music/Dancing - Raffle's -Goody Bags - Auctions - Awards -
Additionally, back by popular demand "TheUltimate Racing Simulator"
Attendancefor this PARRR-TY is normally a "sell-out", so don'twait.
Additionally, back by popular demand "TheUltimate Racing Simulator"
Attendancefor this PARRR-TY is normally a "sell-out", so don'twait.
6-7pm Cocktail Hour, Hors d'oeuvres, and Open Bar
7-9pm Dinner, Open Bar, Awards, Raffles, and Auctions
9-11pm Music, Dancing, Racing Simulator Competitions, Cash Bar
11-Closing Socializingat the "Pub"
Advancedreservations and payment are required, and must be confirmed no later thenDecember 5th.
For Reservations, please respond to: [email protected] and include full names of all attendees.A return email will be sent to confirm your reservation, upon receipt ofpayment
Club Members, 75.00 per person
Spouse, Friend, etc, 85.00 per person
Mail Payment to:
NY/CT Viper Club Inc.
c/o The Computer Connection, LLC
228 Old Hartford Rd
Colchester, CT 06415
This is a pre-registration and pre-payment event.
There will be no "on-site" acceptance of payments.
All reservations and payments must be received by December 5th
Doral Arrowwood
975 Anderson Hill Road
Rye Brook, NY 10573
Check-it-out ! http://www.doralarrowwood.com
SAVE THE DATE: December 10, 2011
NOTE THE TIME: 6:00pm to 11:00pm +
Other Notes:
Secure parking with Security Patrol.
We have reserved a block of 10 rooms at $149/night (room only) and
$159/night (room and breakfast), for those wishing to stay overnight.
If interested in reserving a room, please contact Doral Arrowwood directly at
(914) 935-6689, and mention the Viper Club for this discounted rate.
Don t be left out, make your reservations ASAP, to reserve your place.
Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday season !
Steve J, Adrian, Tony, & Mike