Orange? Help me Understand this!!!

Mike - in Denver

Jul 16, 2001
Reaction score
Denver, Co USA
Please help me understand the votes for “Mopar Orange”. The last time I saw an orange car that I can remember was an AMC Pacer. What am I missing? My snake is my first Dodge – is there a Dodge out there that I am not aware of that is real cool in orange? If so, I am going to go out of my way to see it in person – this has me curious. Maybe this would be a cool option.

Did anyone notice that “Mopar Orange” is the default color in the pull-down? When I voted I almost went too quickly and accidentally hit “send” and had an orange vote. Any one else notice this? Any accidental votes?

Understand that I am a very Biased “YELLOW” voter, but I am trying to have an open mind in case this is not offered on the ’03 (please tell me I can get yellow – my Porsche is black and I can promise that it is a much less “fun” color).

Help me understand the Orange vote – maybe there are some possible yellow converts out there??? J

Have a great New Year…drive safe.

Mike McGuire


Apr 25, 2001
Reaction score
I think what ever colors they come out with for the 2003, those colors should be "exclusive" for the Viper. I would hate pulling up to a red light and looking over and seeing a $10K neon the same color as my car.

I also feel that Dodge should have specially trained sales people, ie. the sales manager, who can be the only one to sell you the car. I am not buying a neon!!

Happy New Year!!


RC Viper

Apr 29, 2001
Reaction score
I have a 1970 Roadrunner Superbird that looks great in Vitamin
C Orange, but somehow I just don't see a Viper looking good in this color. Same for Limelight Green!


Legacy\Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Dec 8, 1997
Reaction score
Columbia River Gorge
The Copperhead Concept Manderine Metallic and Prowler Orange Metallic Pearl were way-cool colors in my opinion.....


Viper Owner
Nov 5, 2000
Reaction score
Waukee, Iowa USA
Happy new year everyone!

I agree with Jon B. that the Copperhead Mandarine orange looked real nice.

I am going to order silver based on current offerings of Red, Silver, Graphite, unless thing have changed. It looks like the folks who want Black are putting up a strong campaign (too much maintenance for me, personally, but very cool!).

I've been out of town for a couple of weeks, has anyone recieved their certs yet? Have the color offerings changed? I would love to know if anyone could fill me in! Personally, I would love a really nice GREEN! I had a Schwinn-Varsity ten speed in 69' and it was my favorite. I don't know, maybe it is too Neon-like, but I would think a retro metallic green would look sharp!

Thanks for any new info you care to share.

Jim Wallace

Y2K10 SRT#39

Jul 21, 2000
Reaction score
Olympia, WA, USA
I'm glad I'm NOT the only YELLOW vote..
Graphite and Silver....are NOT the colors for this car is D-C want's it to be the flagship!!!!
Get something that will attract that not what the D-C MARKETING types want anyway???

Mike Brunton

Oct 3, 2000
Reaction score
N. Andover, MA
Another "very strong" yellow vote here. I think Yellow has the best shot of making it into the color chart above black, since DC mentioned it "may" make it to the 2003 lineup.

I really REALLY want a yellow 2003. I think the votes for orange are from folks who think it's cool to have Mopar's best car available in traditional mopar orange, but I can't see that color actually ever selling.

I also think that they should take a poll of ONLY certificate holders (where you enter your cert # to vote), because it's very easy to pick colors on a car you will never buy (yeah the Viper would be "cool" in Mopar orange), but when it comes down to it, what really matters is what the guys (like us) who will be laying out the cash think.


Viper Owner
Nov 5, 2000
Reaction score
Waukee, Iowa USA
Excellent point Mike!

Being a cert holder to vote is a great idea, seeing as how we will be laying out the as of yet "undetermined" cash.

The Mopar Orange seems really far fetched to me (although it might be interesting). I wonder if people are voting by mistake, or thinking of the Prowler orange (I hope). That Prowler/ Copperhead color was really cool (I have only seen one in person).

Regardless, I think we cert holders (to be) should be shown some real photos of the new Viper in the currently authorized color offerings. It's almost time to order for real!


Steve Ferguson

Aug 4, 2000
Reaction score
Burr Ridge, IL
Mike, being a certificate holder has nothing to do with this poll, since it has been made very clear that the choices made will have no chance of becoming a 2003 color. The poll has been set up to help Dodge decide on future srt/10 color's. I just do not want to see a couple of hundred people start hounding Dodge for a popular color from the pole, even though Dodge made it clear that the results would not affect the initial run of cars.

As for the Orange, I personally think that any of the original Mopar color schemes would be more popular than we expect. Think about it, the Viper has always been about being loud and brash. Wouldn't a wild color only further that notion? Just my personal view.

Mike Brunton

Oct 3, 2000
Reaction score
N. Andover, MA

I disagree that it would be irrelevant to have only cert holders vote. I know the poll's results will not affect the 2003 model year, BUT, there are a LOT of people on this board who really don't seem to like the 2003. As a matter of fact, there seems to be a bunch who take every opportunity to slam it. I can see a lot of people voting for a hideous color, just to "stir the ***". Also, the Mopar Orange was the default color so I bet a lot of people voted for it by accident (can you imagine Dodge's reaction if they make Mopar Orange because of our poll, when we had an artificially high vote for it because it was the default?) hehehe...

My reason for taking a poll of certificate holders, was to get a feel from people who are actually committing to buy this car (in other words, they like the car), to see what real potential buyers think. I think the idea of mopar orange is pretty cool, but when it comes right down to it, I doubt most people are gonna lay down $70k+ for an orange Viper

Just my .02!

Steve Ferguson

Aug 4, 2000
Reaction score
Burr Ridge, IL
Mike, I now get why you wanted a "cert vote", but please keep in mind that the cert holder is just the initial wave of fans for the SRT/10. Once they get to order, you will see how popular this new version really is, since at that time EVERYONE who wants one will get a chance to order. It is only at that time that we will truly know how much of an impact the SRT/10 will have. But judging on the stuff I am hearing from dealers, this new beast may be even more desirable to the "outsiders" than Our original. That statement was based on the fact that the new version offers more comfort demanded by the majority of the public.

As for the Orange, I still say I would (personally) rather have ANY old Mopar color (Orange, green or purple) vs. the choice of red, black of graphite. I just like bright color's, and If given the choice, and judging by how much our little group likes to STAND OUT, I think you can believe that some of us are crazy enough to like the wild color's for our wild cars.

Steve Ferguson

Aug 4, 2000
Reaction score
Burr Ridge, IL
Please don't go there. That is a statement from someone who drives a Viper with Air conditioning (Public demand) to someone that has one that leaks with no air (and I LOVE it). When they added those features it was to appease YOU. Now they are trying to appease YOU and some more potential owners(never did I say ALL). So before you go there remember that you are actually saying that they should have never changed a thing, no more power or comfort.

As the pre sales have proven, this car has as much appeal as the one we currently worship. Just because it does not pull over 100% of the current fans does not make a car a success or a failure. That will be determined by the sales figures. And judging by the long wait that has already started to form, this too will be another homerun.

Mike Brunton

Oct 3, 2000
Reaction score
N. Andover, MA

you know, I think that was the most insightful post into the 2003 SRT-10 I've read yet. I at first did not like the styling, but now that I am getting one, I find myself definitely attracted to the "usability upgrade" (dead pedal, smoother, real top, etc).

It's easy for us to ***** at DC for "modernizing" the snake, but anyone with a GTS or late model RT/10 that is whining about it is being a bit hypocritical.

I'm seriously looking forward to my new SRT-10 - hopefully in yellow - and with over 500hp, and quite a few pounds less weight.


May 18, 2001
Reaction score
Astoria, OR
Orange is superfly! No politics, I simply think it would look great. I have a certificate, a silver ACR, and cool air, but that orange would be creamy!

Mike - in Denver

Jul 16, 2001
Reaction score
Denver, Co USA
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
Mike, being a certificate holder has nothing to do with this poll, since it has been made very clear that the choices made will have no chance of becoming a 2003 color. The poll has been set up to help Dodge decide on future srt/10 color's. I just do not want to see a couple of hundred people start hounding Dodge for a popular color from the pole, even though Dodge made it clear that the results would not affect the initial run of cars.

Steve, If I decide to scrap my certificate in order to wait for "Yellow" (a color we expected), do you know if Dodge is willing to put thier future color commitments in a written announcement? I would hate to wait and find out that the next color run does not include the color I want. I may as well go red.

I hope the next color run is not as boring as the current announcement (siver and gray in the same run?).

Steve Ferguson

Aug 4, 2000
Reaction score
Burr Ridge, IL
First Florida, I have a condo there and I have had my Viper there, and it has been there from July-September, and yes I DROVE IT THERE, so again, please don't bash something that you are obviously personally in favor of! Did I like it, no, but at least I had the dream car I first saw back in 1988! You like having the top and the air, and you should, but don't bash anyone else for liking creature comforts when you are enjoying them yourself?

Mike on the color. I wish I could tell you that our poll of 300 would dictate what direction the future color scheme of Viper will be, but that would be a lie on my part. Here is the quote from Julow when I asked him about the pole. Me, "Jim do you mind if we do a color pole, and then send you the results for you to send to the design people"? Jim, "that's fin, as long as you understand that the results will have nothing to do with 2003"? Me, "I know, we are just hoping that the same people who put red with yellow wheels on the market (and yes I have them) will at least consider making color's that we LIKE"! Jim, "I will take the pole into consideration."

So Mike, to answer your question all I can say is read what you want out of the conversation. My point was that they will LISTEN to what we say as a collective group. Now whether that gets the colors we want produced is another topic and one I am certain will not be released prior to January of 2003. I wish I could help you more, but that is how it has always been.

Now if you want to speculate, for many years the next run of colors that have made it into production, have been tested a year in advance. Since your color is one that has been seen around town, there is a better chance of seeing that go into production then say a blue, which has yet to be seen. AGAIN, this is only if you follow all the PAST TRENDS of Viper production. For all we know they could have used yellow only because ASC had that paint in the system already?

Steve Ferguson

Aug 4, 2000
Reaction score
Burr Ridge, IL
I forgot to mention Florida that my condo is in Singer Island, which I believe is actually further South than Jacksonville, which I believe would make our climate a little warmer?

Venom Lover

Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Santa Barbara, CA USA
On the original subject Mike-in-Denver raised -- are there people on the internet who don't know how to use a pull-down menu? I think most do, including the fact that there may be a default selection. Anyway, based on the comments, I see only 1 inadvertent vote for Mopar orange. True there could be others from those who didn't write comments, but it looks like the percent is small, so a recount shouldn't be necessary.
Personally, I wouldn't have voted in the poll unless I had seen a picture of my choice, and I like the car in black way better than red. I would never have thought to vote for orange, but who knows, if there had been a picture of each of the choices, the results could be very different. I wouldn't have thought the car looks as good in black as it does if I hadn't seen the pictures done by folks on this forum. So, who knows, it could look great in Mopar orange, but nobody's done a rendering, so I wouldn't vote for it.

I agree with Mike that some people are casting votes to stir the *** (e.g., GTS Bruce: "Who cares? Car is ugly."). However, that vote was an "other" and I don't see comments showing that people voted for colors with malice in mind. Now the issue about casually voting for a color in this poll vs. having to back your vote up with a check for $65K (we can all dream, right?
) is a good one. That concern is outweighed, however, by the much smaller sample we would've gotten by limiting the vote to cert holders. Typically in a pole, you could get the effect you desire by wording the question appropriately. I think this question is worded pretty well. It's not vague like "What color would the SRT-10 look good in?" but "What color would YOU choose for YOUR new SRT-10?" It could be made stronger by adding "and would be willing to back your choice up with purchase agreement for a car in that color"....

I tend to agree with JMcGuire, but maybe I read his comments a different way. Saying that the Viper philosophy should not be compromised to the desires of the public majority does not mean the Viper should never change, sometimes in ways that are desirable to the majority of the public. To me, it means the "edge" that the Viper has (in styling, performance, etc.) should never be softened because of some marketing survey or the like. E.g., adding A/C did not compromise performance of the car in any significant way (a few pounds of extra weight) but was a real plus in the comfort that some enthusiasts get out of the car. Me, I'm like you, I never use my A/C unless I'm giving a ride to someone who's a wimp.
But I don't feel the A/C compromised anything in my enjoyment of the Viper as America's greatest sportscar.
On the other hand, the styling of the 2003 does not have the same edge as the current styling (my opinion and that of many others), and it was a mistake to make the design more mainstream to appeal to more people (my hypothesis of why the final design selection came out the way it did, especially given some of the more "edgy" alternatives that were created). Unless DC plans to make 10,000 of these per year, who cares if they get a million more people who like this styling better? They're only going to sell 2000 or fewer per year. I bet if we did a poll of cert holders as to why they got a cert, fewer than 20% would say because of the styling of the SRT. I got a cert and will (probably -- depending on price) take delivery of my SRT because of performance only.
To pick another example, going to a smaller-displacement V8 would have been a big mistake, even though it might have appealed to a broader audience. I thank God that DC did not make that mistake, even though that was apparently the original concept.
Now, I know you were talking about "comfort" features that appeal to the majority in the SRT, and I assume that means stuff like dead pedal and maybe that it's a true convertible, and I don't believe that performance was compromised to add those features, so I'm not opposed to them.


Feb 8, 2001
Reaction score
If you look at the comment section of the poll nearly everyone who voted for Mopar orange posted a comment as to why they liked the color choice. I like it so well I may repaint my '01 GTS this color (or maybe the Prowler color). I think the orange will look good, and maybe make me like the design of the '03. I am certainly not fond of it yet, but have not viewed the car in person yet.
