i don't know what made me think of it but i have never seen anyone talk about or advertise underdrive pulleys for a Gen 1. i was just wandering if no one made them or if they were any good or made a difference.
My '94 came with one installed by previous owner. He used one from a 5.9L Dodge. It only has 5 ribs instead of 6, but the thinner belt has worked perfectly now for 92K miles.
There are old posts about saving power because the accessories spin slower. In my opinion, the real advantage is that you save heating the power steering pump and fluid. I autocross and don't worry about the dreaded PS pump and cap explosion leading to fire, etc, etc.
Unless you are idling and all lights on and AC on and brakes on and fan on high you won't notice the charging rate is low. My battery life has been excellent.