After reading this:
The Russell's Viper is a common and highly venomous terrestrial snake, usually found in open country from India and Sri Lanka to Burma, Taiwan and Java. Within its range, it can be very common in some areas, while being scarce in others. Primarily nocturnal in nature, where it is common it is the most dreaded of all species and often responsible for the majority of snakebite incidents. It is one of the big four venomous snakes in India.
Also known by its native names, 'Doboia' and 'Tic-Polonga', this is a very dangerous species, large members of which can easily deliver a lethal bite. As well as haemotoxins, the venom includes a substantial neurotoxic fraction, allowing it to be fast acting as well as very painful. When alarmed, the Tic-Polonga (which means spotted snake) hisses loudly and can strike repeatedly. Even among professionals, these snakes have a reputation for being very difficult, and therefore dangerous to handle. This is because they often continue to struggle vigorously even after they are grasped firmly behind the head.
The Russell's Viper can grow to a length of about 1.5 m, although it is not built as heavily as most vipers. It is reddish or pale brown in color, with three series of dark brown spots running down the length of its body. Each of these spots has a black ring around it, the outer border of which is intensified with a rim of white or yellow. This species gives birth to live young, producing between 20 and 60 offspring at a time.
Finally, an interesting side note. Some herpetologists believe that, because the Russell's Viper is so successful as a species and has such a fearful reputation within its natural environment, another snake has even come to mimic its appearance.
I came up with these:
bad cop NODONUT