Thanks for posting some pics Denny, and it was great to finally meet you. The pictures of your car don't do it justice, you did an awesome paint job on it. We had a great turn out, we were expecting 15 Vipers and even with 4 cancelling, we ended up with over 20. It was a great showing for our first trip to Blockers Harley Davidson. Denny Blocker (also a Viper owner) has been doing this Cobra show for 13 years, and decided to invite the Vipers to make what will be known now as the "Snakes Alive" event. Denny is a gracious host and puts on a great show and you are going to want to put this one on your calendars for next year which will fall on the second Saturday June 12th. I will post a few pics later as well. Thanks to Denny and Mike for putting this together