Hello all, I just got in from working on the car so I will try to make it brief and go into more detail tomorrow.
First of all, I would like to thank Jay for posting the picture on this site! You are THE MAN! I appreciate it immensely. I will call you tomorrow!
Jrkermode, This is an old picture where I just had the air intake coming straight in through the front bumper. I have designed quite a few things to make for the proper aerodynamic flow since then, but never took a picture of it when it was together. These late nights are difficult, but worth it!
Hisserman, Stugots has got it right!
IEATVETS, give me a call @ 630-878-3907 and I will hook you up with some directions!
Barry, you are the best!
I always appreciate our phone conversations where we bounce ideas back and forth. I think some of the engine building ideas you have taught me about are on the cutting edge to say the least!
Hey, if you find me a rich ahrab customer, I will build in a fat comission for your time! I will give you a call tomorrow if I can ever wake up! Goodnight and thanks for all your help and continued support!