Here's a link to pics I took today, the first day. I'll try to add more as the days go by. I'm sure D's pics will be better. Click on any picture to see it larger. AOL Pictures - Cool Slideshow
Yeah, I'd love to get my hands on one of those gift bags! Looks like some cool stuff!
It was in Prefix, where you come in from the dinner area.I'll be posting some pics of my own tonight. Hey where is that ACR with the drivers stripe? The only ACR that I saw in the garage was purple.
No prob! I'm not a member of your region but I had seen this post going so figured I'd contribute to it.Thanks for the pictures, It was a hard not to go, but we went to LV.
Here's the rest, hopefully, I have to keep playing with this to find out what works and what doesn't.Cars in MGM Grand garage, trailer lot, and some views from the hotel.
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Jimmy, you did a GREAT job posting those pics, I like them small like that, and we can click on them to make them larger if we wish!! Wish I knew how to do that! (you gotta tell me your secret when you have a chance!)....LOVE the license plates! Hope you had a BLAST! THANK YOU~! ~juli
Thanks for the encouragement. Have you seen the Have you seen Jimmy thread? Very funny, it's a blast. Had a great time! Gee, I was now trying to figure out how to make the pictures bigger? I took over a thousand pictures, so it's taking some time to get them uploaded. I wanted to send more while I was there, but some nights we didn't get to our rooms until 10PM or later, one night it was midnight. The 12 drive back and work the next day wiped me out. Now I have some energy to post more pics.