So I had a bit of a run in today with my power steering system and thought I would just share the suggestion to those that need the reminder/insight.
Be sure that a few times a year you reach down and tighten down the power steering cap as tight as it goes. It is common that these come loose and will pop off. There is even the horror stories out there that if it posts off and splashes out on the hard manifold that it can cause a fire. Today as I was backing into the parking spot at my office I noticed a whine coming from my power steering (which I normally do not hear). My initial thought was low power steering fluid and I'll top it off when I get home this evening. Some people may write this noise off and move along like I was going to, but I'm here to tell everyone that when you think or feel like something is "different" be sure you check into it. After reading some things on here (thank you all for this great forum), I started thinking I should check out my pulley and bracket too so I went ahead and went to look right now.
As soon as I pop the hood I noticed I was MISSING my power steering cap. Yep it came loose and yep it was gone. LUCKILY however the cap had fallen and lodged itself by the fender so it was not gone completely. I cleaned it up a bit (there was some dirt on the inside of the cap by this time) and screwed it on tight. I now need some new P/S fluid since I must have lost some (hence the whine), but all in all I'm glad I didn't procrastinate and checked into the sound right away. Utilizing this forum was a big help too!
Safe driving out there folks!
By the way for those of you in Texas planning on coming to the viper round up in Austin in April, I'll see a few of you out there. Sadly I'm traveling out of the country that weekend so I'll really only be able to come out Friday, but hopefully I'll get to meet many of you since I'm a pretty new viper owner (Since Oct. 2013).